Thursday, July 19, 2007

Eyewitness Contest: Russian Version

Okay, friends, as promised, I have devised a new and exciting contest regarding my Russia trip.

Here's how it works:
I will list 10 things. Only 8 of them I personally witnessed. Two I did not. If you have read all my posts, you have an advantage. Some things I witnessed but haven't yet blogged about. Thus you have elements of guess and elements of study and review to help you get the answers right. (The gamer in me likes a little random fun.The teacher in me can't help make a quiz once in while. )

The object is to pick the TWO things I did not witness on my trip. Someone else may have (like Sacha or Sarah, but they are disqualified from entering the contest. Sorry, girls.) You may, however, read their blogs because we witnessed some of the same things!

Today is Thursday, and it's 3:08 pm. I will keep this contest open until Sunday night at 7pm EST.

The first person to guess which TWO things I didn't witness WINS A DOLL. (Sorry, I still haven't taken a picture of these delightful whimsies.)

My apologies ahead of time to my international readers. I won't be able to afford to mail you a doll, but you may enter for the fun of it if you wish!

Here goes:

Which TWO things did I NOT WITNESS?

1. a stray dog waiting on the dock of a riverboat cruise
2. identical twin baby girls sharing a crib
3. a motorcycle accident
4. an elderly peasant carrying hay on her back
5. a bride and groom in Red Square
6. a drunk guy falling and injuring his leg
7. a Russian student driver car
8. a missionary who reminded me of one of my sons
9. an orphan spitting a leaf out of her mouth
10. a Ricky Ricardo look-alike in church

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