Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I'm So Stupid

I am so stupid.

Leanne oh-so-gently pointed out the mental error of my ways. When I posted my contest, I was thinking it was Tuesday and that I'd give 2 days for the contest to stay open. Well, it wasn't Tuesday. It was actually Monday. Only people who READ could've figured that out. I am not one of my own readers, I guess. At least not an ALERT one.

So I gave the answers away. How stupid.

I will make it up to you, my friends, in case anyone had her heart set on a rag doll -- or on winning some silly little guessing game. I know people love to win, no matter the contest. So let me think about a new and exciting one to offer.....

Anyone want to play along?


  1. If it's any help to you, I would NOT have won...I had them completely wrong!! I was gonna guess PB, quilt, manicure set, soap.

  2. I was thinking that I would like the manicure set most myself...what mommy wouldn't like a little TLC? After that I hadn't a clue as to what to choose next. I'm in for another contest- would really love to have a doll to remind me to pray vigilantly for Russian orphans.


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