Tuesday, August 14, 2007

How Do I Get My Sidebar Back?

Even before I changed templates, my sidebar links all vanished. We haven't been able to figure out how to retrieve them. Can one of you computer gurus help?

Thanks, BTW, for the compliments on the new blog look. I like the cascading flowers, too, but not the way they hang down into some of the text. Is there a way to remedy that?


Anonymous said...

Zoanna, I,too, like hanging flowers, but those are upside down. Isn't that grass on the top???
If you have trouble with your sidebars, go to Russ' blog, "Don't Think Twice," in my family links. He may can help you, he loves to help us bloggers who don't usually know what we are doing!!! This said from experience!!!
Betty G

Zoanna said...

Well, my goodness, Betty, it sure does look like grass. But this is how the template was offered. My son just inserted it like this; if it's upsidedown, oh, boy! I would need extra blog counsel for that, in addition to my sidebar problem. I've got female computer geeks; I think I'll wait for their replies, but I appreciate the offer for Russ.

Bethany said...

I see your sidebar at the very bottom. Wow I didn't realize at first the grass and whole upside down thing. It still looks pretty to me. HEE HEE.

Zoanna said...

Right, it's at the bottom, but is there a way to put it on the side? At the bottom is very inconvenient. Most people don't scroll down there anyway.