Saturday, September 22, 2007

Oh, Goodness, this Excites Me!

I just got home from a date with Paul at Panera. (Yes, we are back to going on only cheap dates now that our kids' tuitions are sucking our cash out the window like a Kansas tornado.) He wasn't very talkative at first, but when I drew him out, he was churning about finances and asked me what I've done to look for a job. "Not much" was my honest, humble reply. He practically begged me to take a job, at least to get us through the spring semester.

So I came home and jumped onto and searched by keyword. At first I tried "tutoring," but it's all contract work. Then, up came this job that looks so exciting to me. It's under the keywords Art/Photography/Journalism/Retail/Sales/Marketing. That's a bit of everything I like, except retail during Christmas.

Anyway, this job is for a part-time baby portrait salesperson with a company called Our365. It's part-time and the work would be at Upper Chesapeake Med Center, five minutes from my house!

"Must enjoy holding newborns 24-48 hours old." That's me to a tee. And ability to sell portrait packages to new moms? How hard could that be? I just see love written all over this job. They want someone 3 mornings a week. I could ask if that's flexible since I have to flex with my kids' college class schedules. The pay is not listed, but good grief, I would LOVE to hold babies, sell photo packages, and encourage new mommies in the hospital.

Oh, please pray this is a good match for me! And if it's not, that I can find something I'm equally excited about.


  1. That sounds really fun! I'll be praying - sounds like it would be a great fit :)

  2. Zoanna, that sounds perfect. I wonder also if you wouldn't make a fabulous Doula (sp?). I think there is certification involved, but you should consider it.

    Okay, this is bad. It's Sunday A.M. and I'm commenting.Just couldn't pass the opportunity to say "cool".

    gotta go!!

  3. This does sound perfect for you! Laurie is right about being a Doula too. I think Siani hospital has a program. You do have to get a certificate but you can make big bucks doing this ($400 or so) per birth. Usually insurance doesn't pay for this service, but lots of women will pay out of pocket for it.

    As a side note, the girl who came to try to sell me my photo package couldn't get over that I quite firmly was not interested! Ha ha! I've seen many of those newborn pictures and knew I could do a better job!! And I was totally more happy with my own photos. But I'm sure you'll find most parents an easy sell!

  4. You all are too kind, and don't me very well. I really don't handle watching people in physical pain very well. I would be bossy to nurses, "You gotta get this woman out of pain. Bring her something NOW!" Also can't handle the sight of blood and other bodily fluids too well. I would be better fore and aft, I think.

    As for selling photos to moms who don't want them. Danielle, you are so right. But here's my thinking: I would hope I could work with the photographer to get the best shot. I was SO disappointed with my first baby's pictures. Didn't even know they were taking it cuz I was asleep, so what did they put him in? Plain white hospital t-shirt. His eyes were closed. BUT, it's a newborn shot and the only ones of their kind. I think my sentimental motherly instincts would help me advocate for the customer, which in turn would lead to more sales.

  5. meant don't KNOW me very well...


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