Saturday, September 22, 2007

Fall Photo Gallery Among Ourselves?

Anyone can get in on this. Let's start with fall decorations at your place. The idea is to inspire your readers. Your decoration could be something in the yard, on the door, at the table, on your fireplace, in your hair, whatever. Just leave a note right here when you've posted your picture. We'll run the decoration posts through Sept 30 and then do fall food pictures, so get your cameras shootin' and your computers bootin' for a rootin' tootin' low-fallutin' picture pres.

All right, this is my third post of the day. I'm just having a blitz of material right now.
I got onto the Ritz Camera site (they email me deals which I sadly but resolutely resist) and was just reading about photographing fall at its best.

I was wondering...would you all like to have a post-a-rama of fall pictures? Maybe we could think of categories to post, like "child playing in leaves," "best produce," "fall food" "morning in autumn" and have a semi-sort of contest. Not prizes or anything, but a glorified "ooh and aah" session among ourselves. Whatcha think? Who's game?


  1. If I see a good photo to take I will post it on my blog, but I am in a busy season, so I can't make any promises and it might be a while... but I like the idea... Fall is my favorite season by far!!! Great idea.

  2. Like the idea...I'm would it work?

  3. I will try to play too. I actually got my decorations out this week.

  4. I'll play! Does it have to be just natural or can it also be fake?

  5. Anything. It's about showing us a bit more of yourself, your personality, through the way you decorate your home for fall. So, if you're a fake.....NO, just kidding! The only confines: it must be YOUR house that YOU decorated (no pictures from the web or your mom's house or your neighbor's) and for this week, the theme is fall decor.

  6. Oh... then I am out. I thought I could take fall pictures outside. I don't decorate for fall inside... I don't even do a Christmas tree anymore... (bah humbug..) I wish I weren't so busy... but really I spend my free time visiting everyone else and to spend so much time decorating my house for literaly one day so people could see it is so not worth it to me. It takes me about a week to decorate and I just don't have the time with my work load. I would much rather spend the time visiting and fellowshiping and helping my friends and family decorate their trees... so I hang a wreath on the door and call it a day.

    I might get some time to take a pretty fall picture somewhere and post it... but it won't be a decoration... sorry girls.

    (decorate my hair... loved that...)

  7. Just this week it's decoration, Tori. Other categories to follow, so don't worry about this one. Next week is fall food. The idea will be to take pictures of something new you try, whether it's a new recipe, new twist on old recipe, new serving dish with fall theme, etc. I mean it could be a bowl of KFC chicken sitting on a burlap dish placement. Or forget the placemat. The idea is to not let ourselves grow same old same old. Maybe you could think of something new foodwise to serve your frequent hostess friends and sanp a pic of that???--zo

  8. Girl, prepare for the pictures.


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