Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Clip-on Cardinal

Patron Saint of Losing Things has done it again. I've completely misplaced an entire box of decorations and little gifties I bought right after Christmas last year. These are things I had all picked out especially for the Ladies' Christmas Breakfast this year. The only things I've found were in my hutch--a round, gold tablecloth embossed with gold poinsettias, and some silky sage green napkins and some gold cloth poinsettia napkins.
I had also
-8 sage green ornaments tied with gold ribbon for each of the 8 ladies at my table (self included) as a keepsake.
-Dark green velvet ribbon etched in gold to accent the table somehow
-A gold tree-shaped centerpiece and some red angel candleholders, all bought at 75% off at Cracker Barrel last year

UGH! I was sooooo excited all year to put this together.

And to make me more disappointed, both people I invited backed out in the last two days. That really snuffs out a bit of excitement for me.

So here I am, having picked through dozens of boxes marked "Christmas" in the basement, having asked two tall teens to help look, too. Nothing. Nada. Not happ'nin.

It's nearly 12 midnight the night before I'm supposed to decorate. (The breakfast is Saturday.)
And here comes Plan B. (I'm the Queen of Plan B. Maybe I should just change my name to Queen B.)

Same gold poinsettia tablecloth
Chinese red patterned runner (make it myself tomorrow from fabric on hand)
4 gold napkins
4 black napkins (to be purchased; was going to anyway, for NEXT year's idea)
7 small gifties in giftie bags
the red lid of a vintage hatbox, with gold Chinese sort of looking edging (it'll do)
turned upside down to hold:
-a black pillar with a gold pillar candle (candle to be purchased tomorrow)
-various floral picks and ribbon of silver, gold, and black
-a tiny red cardinal that clips on to a floral pick. Cardinals hold a special reminder to me of Jesus on a day a couple years ago when my soul was really dark and despairing. I asked Him, "Please, God, I know You're there, You're everywhere, and that truth should be enough for me. Yet I can't feel you, I don't sense Your presence except that I wouldn't be praying right now if I didn't have a shred of belief that You're listening. I'm really on the edge. Please show me Your care." I was staring out the sliding glass door at the dark green trees in our backyard. Suddenly a bright red cardinal alighted on a branch. He sat there, as if to say, "Here I am, your living proof that Jesus has heard you." He sat there while I wept with gratitude for God's tender compassion.
Not just a winter bird for me, but a symbol of the red blood that flowed from Emmanuel's veins as He became sin for me, then died for the unbelief and ensuing depression that would make me pray such prayers as, "Show me again Your care, cuz I can't feel it."

Oh, the deep, deep love of Jesus,
Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!

All righty, then, I've just written myself out of a glum state. I am at peace. God doesn't have Plan B. This was His plan for me all along. How much sweeter this arrangement is to me after meditating on the cardinal! I am actually eager now to be surprised at finding out who will be at my table Saturday!!!

1 comment:

  1. God ordains our "plans B", doesn't He? Thanks for sharing. I am sure it will be beautiful!

    So, are you back??


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