Thursday, November 29, 2007

Health Update #3?

Lost: 7 pounds total
Exercise: gardening before Thanksgiving, lots of nonstop prepping for house guests and taking care of stuff to host TG dinner in a hot kitchen. Translate: I worked out in non-gym clothes!

Setbacks: heel pain (see post below)
Signs of change: jeans are comfortable, got into a skirt I was looking fwd to wearing to church(was even dressed to go when Joel woke up too sick to go, so I stayed home)
Other signs: I don't have nearly the sweet tooth I did; less dependent on all meds
Goal: 3 more pounds by the end of Nov, but seeings as how this is the 29th, I must say I'm just motivated, not a miracle worker.
Changes in diet: since meats are not my downfall, but bread is, I am going to do a Daniel Diet No Bread version. So, meat yes, soda no, bread no, sweets no, for 10 days/time.


  1. Good job losing weight!!! That is great. I hope your pain is better. Is it plantar faciatis? I think I spelled that wrong but don't have time to look it up.

  2. Thanks, Bethany, The pain is 90% better, so I'm functioning very well. Praise the Lord.


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