Tuesday, December 04, 2007

His Words Make Me Sick

Sarah came home the other day and told me her English prof had said words that stung her. They stung me, too, because if you hurt my child, you better watch out. The prof's words make me sick.

Sick for a few reasons:
-that the Lord is so blatantly reviled on college campuses
-that this man has no idea how much this same Jesus, whom He despises, loves him so much
-that this man is in terrible danger spiritually
-that my daughter's heart breaks when exposed to this attitude
-that we are paying good money for some bad teaching

My guess is that this man may have been terribly abused within the church. Such is the case with many people who equate Jesus with His less-than-perfect people. I am sad for him.

The college campus reminds me of rocky, shallow waters near a coastline, in desperate need of lighthouses and foghorns. Sarah is among the brightest in her demeanor. She is praying for boldness to be more of a foghorn.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zo and Sarah,
    You might want to read my
    Monday, October 08, 2007
    Standing Alone… by the garbage can-entry. I lost a job due to persecution. I can relate. But as I said in my entry, when I showed love to my boss, it made the difference. "It is His kindness that leads us to repentance..."

    We were all blind, lost sinners too. When I see people with the Darwin fish on their cars I look at it as if they are saying "Pray for me, I'm lost."

    Paul persecuted Christians before his eyes were opened. This professor could one day be a Paul... I will pray for him.


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