Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Scrapbooking (Dis)Organization

Today both of my feet are in pain, but I think I can manage to start organizing my tiny (7x8) office from a chair.

But the kind of help I need most will come from organized scrapbookers.

I have been at it since 1995, and keep trying new systems. I have plenty of archival safe photo boxes in use and more at the ready. I have Rubbermaid totes with hanging files, which sometimes I've used for just organizing various papers, and sometimes for holding entire layouts (memorabilia, photos, paper, embellishments).

I have a huge binder full of stickers, a plastic magazine-holder thingy for assorted papers. Just outside the office is a corner at the bottom of the basement steps. In this corner is a triangular cabinet. It reminds me of a pie-shaped Murphy bed, because when the desk surface is not in use, you can flip it up and snap-lock it away. Very cool. When the "desk" is down, it's good for sewing or scrapbooking. Shelves in the lower half of the Murphy desk currently house my sewing machine, box of scrap fabric, a Creative Memories carryall bag (which is NOT all that handy at home). The shelves in the top half contain binders for stickers and open boxes for gadgets.

So what's the problem?

When I get inspired AND have time to scrapbook all at once, I seldom have everything I want all in one place. Photos are still on the computer, I have to pull everything out to see what I have, and only a few boxes are in chronological order.

Inefficiency, I guess, is the problem.

Can you who do scrapbooks offer suggestions that will make the 'getting started' each time more enjoyable? I know the solution must be easier than I'm making it.

PS This office does triple duty for three hobbies: computer, scrapbook, and guitars.
There is a doorless closet with 2 large shelves above where the guitars sit. Lots of wall space. The end result I'm going for is #1 functional and #2 an aesthetically pleasing "his and her" space.

Whether you scrapbook or not, you can offer organizational tips! And while you're at it, please pray God's healing on my feet. I feel like I'm always asking for prayer, but then again, lately I feel like my body's been falling apart one member at a time.


  1. Well, if you're a "more is more" kinda gal, my suggestion won't be helpful. But, what I've found to work now that my scrapbooking OBSESSION has settled into comfortable hobby mode, is to downsize.

    I have downsized my "style" and therefore the amount and variety of supplies I have. My books are getting more streamlined so that it's photos, some paper, and journaling. I keep to simple, bright colored papers and have reduced my sticker supply dramatically.

    I let the kids have all the stickers and scrap papers, but if you really do go for de-collecting in a big way, I think ebay or craigslist might be a great place to unload excess supplies.

    I also go through seasons of using up all my scrap-bits of paper, rather than cutting up full sheets. I have them sorted by color in expandable file folders that have lots of pockets (like a coupon book, only big).

    Hope that helps. Happy scrapping!

  2. My style is fairly simple. I'm not into a busy page, nor have the talent for drop-dead gorgeous techniques. I like the pics to take center stage, and have plenty of journaling (surprise, surprise!). So I don't have a lot of gadgets--really just personal trimmer, circle cutters, corner rounder, a couple pairs fancy edge scissors and a square maker.

    I mainly want to know: how do you store things so that everything's at the ready when 7pm Friday comes and the evening is free to scrapbook. (Too many of our Fridays have us running to youth group stuff, so Paul and I argue about whose turn it is, but when it's my turn to stay home, I love to either sew, scrapbook, read, or do art). Scrapbooking is usually "shelved" (no pun intended) because my stuff isn't all right there ready to lift from one place onto my Murphy desk.

  3. Oh, you seem to have a good system, makes mine look hopeless.
    I have now made over 100 scrapbooks for myself and for the family.
    Lately I can't seem to get started but reading your post is a push for me to get going again.
    It is a wonderful hobby and isn't it great when you see how happy the kids are with their very own books!!!
    I probably can't offer anything better that your ideas but my pix and stickers, and embellishments are all filed in the dollar store's plastic boxes in an open closet with lots of shelves and the guest room is next to our double office, so I can work in there and leave stuff out.
    I get each page ready before I start gluing, and in no time a book is done.
    And I constantly shop for stuff for scrapbooks.
    Thanks for the post, you and I, both, better get started.
    Betty G

  4. 100 scrapbooks, Betty?! Wow. I am in awe of your prdoctiviity! I've done maybe 5.5 books and am only halfway thru one for my duaghter (never done one for one person before and I'm still waiting on lots of people to send me notes and pics honoring her).

    I think I have an idea now for what will work: Pics filed chronologically. As I gather stuff for a page, drop it with pics into the hanging file, so when I'm ready to sit down, I pull out the whole file.
    We'll see!

  5. Zo, you forget I am one month shy of 82 years old.
    I make scrapbooks of Dean and I as we get pictures or go somewhere. I began about 9 years ago and it was catch up for a long time. Right now I have to catch up 2007. Some months have 2 and 3 scrapbooks.
    Then there are the children, grandchildren, and greats. Some have 3 books.
    One daughter started the first scrapbooking and stamping store in Eau claire when it was first catching on. She kept spreading out into a bigger store and then sold it. She started me.
    So, it is not such a big thing for me to have so many. We have a lot of family and a lot of memories.
    And I have a husband who loves the books too!!!
    Betty G

  6. I take that back. I did one s'book for a person--my oldest son, for his graduation, but it took months doing it piecemeal when he wasn't around (and ffinallytelling him, "Stay out of the office. I'm orking on your book!) cuz he's a nosy one! I wondered if he'd appreciate it , but I think he did (hard to tell w/ him, a non-gusher). But a couple of his guy friends said, "Wow, Ben, I wish my mom had done something like this for me. I mean, this is really cool looking at pictures of when you were little and everything."

    I had one made for me by Sarah. She did a great job and it made me cry and laugh and feel warm all over.

    I just have to hunker down and do it more often.

  7. See, the kids do love them and the adults too.
    When you make a scrapbook for someone you give them a treasure.
    Stay with it, it is never a waste of time.
    Betty G


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