Thursday, January 10, 2008

hoo Hoo! Paul's Got an Interview!

My man sounded like a boy who just got asked to the prom when he called today. He got a call from a woman named Annette, who used to be his boss at his current company. She left and started a company with another co-worker friend of Paul's named Ray. Ray told him last week that Annette wanted to interview him, so to expect a call. Ray has since gone elsewhere for more $$.

Paul is an excellent candidate for the job since he knows these specialty insurance lines so well.

He's nervous about the decision, but after analyzing the pros and cons of both companies (without knowing more details about the new company) he says that there is only one difference and that might be neither here nor there if his employer didn't downsize.

So...he's making his list o' questions tonight and praying for wisdom.
Please join us. We are so excited!


  1. I'll be praying!

  2. I will definately be praying! I know how hard it is to be in a job you don't like. Praying the Lord will give wisdom.

  3. Wow, that's awesome!!


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