Friday, January 11, 2008

They Made Paul an Offer!

Paul's interview at 12:30 went amazingly well. He was offered a job on the spot!

Annette wants to make him an officer in the company-- with profit sharing. She asked how much he makes, he gave her a rough idea, and she said, "You're underpaid." (Always good to hear when there's money to be had on the table.)

This position is so attractive to him, mostly because he will finally have an outlet for his creativity in how to grow a company. The man has such business savvy that's being wasted. He says his current employer isn't thinking of the customer, doesn't care about innovation, promises pay for performance which is a joke, and recently slapped people with mandatory overtime till the numbers are up. It's just really baaaaad.

There will be some travel, but he says, "I won't mind traveling if I know there's not a pile of work on my desk before I leave and a ton more accumulating while I'm gone. I'll be good to start with a clean desk with people who want to hear my ideas on how to turn a profit." In short, he could help design the company, but at the same time it's already a strong place.

He didn't bring up money, but Annette did, and he was upfront that it's a big factor in his decision. When he mentioned having two kids in college plus a third going in the fall, she began asking personal questions, really interested in the family. (I wonder if he mentioned that his wife would like not to have to work for money because she enjoys volunteering as an art teacher too much ?)

Paul sounded really pumped on the phone afterward. As a wife, I haven't heard this level of enthusiasm in his voice for years, about his job anyway. And since he spends 60-70 hours a week at/driving to/from/thinking about his job, that's a huge percentage of his week. The Lord has sustained him for sure, but I have been pleading with God to show Paul a place to use his giftings, not just his abilities. He is gifted in business, but all his superiors have tapped him for is his work ethic and knowledge. In 24 years, he doesn't have a single black mark on his record. I know if it was me, I'd have been out of there years ago (either voluntarily or otherwise!) I would have told a ratty boss, "I don't have cloven hooves! I'm not your ox! I've got some ideas for how to make a buck around here and since you don't, well, sir, with all due respect (???), sseeeeeee ya!!!!"

Good thing God didn't put me in charge of holding this family together with an income!!!!!

I'm so proud of my man. He is nothing short of a Godsend to me, to us, to his present employer (whom I am SURE will counteroffer when they see the ox has greener pastures and NO MUZZLE elsewhere).

Thanks for your prayers. Please, I ask for wisdom as we talk about the options. I want to be the wife who is supportive regardless, but in my heart I want to see the man come home smilin' every evening (or at least not droopy and utterly beaten down inside) and eager to get up and grow a company and be rewarded verbally and psychologically for his contributions.

Meanwhile, I sit here selling college books on eBay and am happy to report have had a banner day in the virtual marketplace!

Whistling, "How great is our God, sing with me, How great is our God....!"

So many attractions about this, we have to seek the Lord.


  1. Hope it all works out. Sounds great

  2. Wow. Amazing how these things can come out of the blue, isn't it? I'll be praying that you and Paul will both have peace about the path to take.

  3. I agree with the above comments. I pray you'll all have wisdom and peace in regards to what direction to go.

  4. How exciting. Praying for wisdom. Keep us posted!

  5. Awesome! I'll be praying.

  6. it always makes me smile to see a woman boasting about her husband :) great stuff.


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