Saturday, May 03, 2008

For Chesapeake Gals

Graduation is this month, and there are only three grads. The ceremony is out of our hands, but
the logistics of room set-up and food fall on the grads' parents (or more precisely, their moms).

I signed up to handle decorations, which I shouldn't have done. I can do small rooms, but large?
I don't always see Big Pictures very well, but since one of the three moms piped up to handle food arrangements and the other mom stayed quiet, Big Mouth here said, "I can do decorations."

This means deciding:
how many and what size tables
where to place them
what food goes on which tables
gift bag table with balloons
reserved row bows
and probably a whole mess of other stuff I haven't thought of and might not think of till the day before unless I have help.

You know me, I hate cliches, and so I'd like to do something that hasn't been done before. A different arrangement of tables that still allows for easy flow. (I'm not a fan of having a long line of tables pusched together because ppl assume they need to stand in line for food. NOt so, we want to provide lots of the same type of foods at different tables. I liked when Peggy had several round tables in the back of the room and each had the same foods--some snacks, some desserts.
And we want to call attention to the cake table because it's usually neglected and so much is left over. There are only 3 sets of parents, mind you, so whatever we spend has to split just 3 ways, not 14 or 20 or something minor.)

Got any suggestions? We are doinga Mexican theme since the kids will have just gotten back from their missions trip from Rancho 3M.

Also looking for a way to provide a backdrop on stage. Pictures of people on our current stage come back looking like they're in a black hole. Besides, three graduates could look really lonely up there. I am feeling less than peaceful about what I've signed up for. Why can't I just be one of those people who can sit at a table and not volunteer for something that's out of my league?????Will I EVER learn? So I do what I do do well--delegate!

I babble. Please help!

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure how mexican you want to get for the party. I know I always think of such beautiful vibrant colors when I think of Mexico. as for centerpieces, How about a grouping of cacti??


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