Monday, July 21, 2008

Urgent Prayer Request: A Little Boy is Dying

Jair is a little boy in Mexico, the son of missionaries associated with Rancho 3M.

He had been gravely ill with cancer and his parents were told to prepare for his death. He needed chemo that would cost $15,000 but all they had was $3,000. They requested prayer for the funds and within a day had $19,000. from God's generous people.

That was about a month ago. They gave him the chemo, he rallied, was declared cancer-free, started living like a normal 8-year old, but then , in the past couple of days we received word that he apparently has had a near-fatal allergic reaction to one of his follow-up medications. Little Jair's organs have been shutting down. His parents stand at his bedside waiting for either his death or another miracle.

I have been praying for a second miracle. After all, if Jesus raised Jairus's daughter from the dead (read your New Testament for proof), surely he can heal Jair.

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