Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Watch for Watches, Please

Theme Girl here gearing up for the Ladies' Christmas Breakfast. I thought of a theme just after last year's breakfast. It will be something along the lines of "watch for Christ's second coming."

I want to use ladies' watches as napkin rings. I already have three. Need 8 total. What I'm looking for are watches with fairly thin bands and metal faces (think "feminine and classy"). If you have one that doesn't work or you don't want back, please consider donating it to me. I don't want to be held responsible for breaking or losing anything.

Also, if you see a sundial that would make a cool centerpiece, let me know! Otherwise I'll be grouping small clocks on the table. (I would glady return a sundial to you if you happen to own one.)

Yard sales, thrift stores, and junk drawers are sources you might consider. I'm looking for free stuff or not more than a dollar per watch. Please keep this request in mind as you're out and about over the next few months, will you? Thanks!


  1. That's such a cool idea. Love it! I'll try to keep it in mind as I'm out and about...great idea thinking of that now when the yardsales are in full swing. :)

  2. Ahhhh, I had one but got rid of it and some old jewelry right before we moved last August! It had been in my box for YEARS!

    I'll keep my eyes open though. (That's such a funny phrase when you think about it!) :-P

  3. I take that back!
    Guess what I just found? :o)
    It's on it's way...


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