Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"Pastels Rock"

It was such an easy-going, laid-back art day today. The only "plans" I had were to introduce pastels, let them mix primary colors to get secondary colors, and give them the vocab word "medium" as it relates to art. I did all that while sitting at the table with them, talking while we worked. (Played?)

They had to do what I called "A Sunset at the Ocean" as their project. Horizon line, blue water with green and yellow and maybe some gray, whatever they wanted, sunset showing a little gold reflection on the water, a sky filled with purples and pinks and other colors. (I wasn't being a stickler for secondary colors.) It's funny what showing them one of my samples does for my ego. You wouldn't believe how many "oohs" and "aahs" my 15-minute sunset jobbie got. I love it. They are so easily impressed. Sometimes I wonder if it's exactly why I wouldn't teach high school art. My pride would take a serious hit.

As soon as we were finished, the 3rd and 4th graders piped up, "Can we hang these in the hall? Our parents will LOVE them!" So we did (after hair-spraying them). One kid from the 5th/6th grade class said, "This is the funnest project we've ever done!" Funnest, huh? Good thing you're boning up in grammar under my tutelage, too. But one student made the sweeping compliment of the day, "Pastels rock!"

I'm so glad they had a good time. Pastels do rock. They're my favorite medium.


Anonymous said...

Glad your art class is going so well!

Anonymous said...

You might love teaching kids, I love reading your blog!!
Betty G

Anonymous said...

Thanks, you two. Betty, I enjoy your blog, too. I agree with your concerns of Obama. He strikes me as serpentine.