Friday, February 26, 2010

Gratitude List, Jan. 30-Feb 7

God's protection of us on icy roads
free-flowing conversation
Double T time with Bonnie S .
Easy Grade Pro application

Sarah's cookies
piano lessons long ago
family's commitment to serving church
bread machine
grace to (nearly)memorize Habakkuk 3

decent tires
nail clippers

encouragement of recited scripture
others' forbearance of my mistakes
pre-cooked bacon
ability of body to heal itself
color of eastern sky in the morning

God is one God, my All in All
cheese of all kinds
hot lunch fundraisers
Paul's gift of leading worship
catching a wife winking at her husband in a crowded room

songs of praise to God
example of Stephen, the first Christian martyr
I can't earn my salvation
never having to return to life or suffer to atone for sins

windshield wipers
shock absorbers
books on tape

sense of hearing
safety on slick roads (see a pattern here?)
beautiful snow
undergound power lines
tax return

neighbor who helped us w/ his snowblower
Joel's initiative in shoveling front porch
family working together to dig out
faith worth dying for
childhood memories

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