Friday, February 26, 2010

Gratitude List, Feb 8-14

Alden cookbook
peanut butter cookies (Mrs. Fair's recipe)
the color green
New Orleans Saints' victory in Super Bowl
watching Paul and Joel snuggle

example of commitment to God in Amy Carmichael's life
safety pins
healthy debate at dinner regarding family size
taker for our old fridge

fresh hash browns a la Paul
power outage for ONLY an hour
firefighters and other emergency personnel
Paul saying "no" to Ben re: snowboarding today
Lean Cuisine Chinese food when I'm in a pinch ("pinch" meaning "craving")

34 sunny degrees
Hot Hands hand warmers
long, hot baths
real Chinese food
prayer that combats fear

boys' safety to and from PA, snowbooarding
wisdom from a fellow teacher
listening to Joel read
baby green salad
pizza delivery

opportunities to bless others
ability to plan
knowing that pain is a barometer of love
"new" fridge from the Smiths

Arie's message on joy
Gary B's compassion
8 years of loving my Valentine baby
cards and chocolate from Paul and my dad
the Smith family


  1. Love the "gratitude attitude"!
    I'm thinking of you and praying this weekend!

  2. something the Gayner household is thankful for - our "new" fridge from the Zubrowski family, and the manpower that got it in the door!
    Totally feeling you on the Chinese food thing, too.


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