Friday, March 04, 2011

Let Me Tell You, I Love My Man !

Let me tell you about this man I married. (The picture is of us on our first anniversary and I was 6 months pregnant. Paul was 26, I was 22. Back then he had brown hair and I had one chin. Life was good, and I could not imagine us in our 40's with grown children or where he'd be in his career, but I knew his work ethic impressed me. Now on to the blog post.)

My husband does not like for me to write about him, but I have to say this today. I love him and I want the world to know how hard he works. He is a successful man in so many ways, and the Lord is good to us by giving Paul to us.

Yesterday was one of those days I found myself telling God how much I love Paul and appreciate him, and what a good man he is. Mind you, we have our struggles and so many of them are over petty things, but then there are times I just step back and say, "Wow. What a man! Who else would work this hard, day after day, year after year?" (Well, I know there are many men in that category, but to live with one solidifies my knowledge.)

For just one example this week: On Wednesday he was gone for 14 hours, working hard on a presentation he had to give Thursday. The presentation was in Atlanta, and we're in Baltimore. If you know anything about BWI airport or Atlanta, you can picture two hours at each one on each end of the flight. That meant he had to get up at 4 a.m., do the security thing, fly, land, give a presentation, do what he does best--which I'm not sure how that looks but would love to be the proverbial fly on the wall-- then do the Atlanta airport thing, fly back, get into a cold car at night, and drive home. None of that except the actual flying appeals to me one bit! It doesn't appeal to him, either, but he presses right on through.

What impressed me was that, not only did he work so long on Wednesday, he also prioritized care group (our church's "small group" gatherings every other week in homes) by attending Wednesday night! That lasted till 10 pm. (I might have skipped it in order to rest up for my trip, but not him. He went.) Then after a short night's sleep, he got up at 4:00, quietly as always,so as not to wake me. But I woke up anyway--at least enough to kiss him and then get up to watch the car pull out of the driveway. I said a prayer of thanks to God for Paul and his hard work and that his trip would be a a success--and then I locked the deadbolt and went back to bed for a couple hours.

He returned to us at 9 pm, exhausted, hungry, and headachey. I fixed him a plate of hearty chicken, potatoes, and beans to slake the hunger, rubbed his neck and shoulders to eradicate the headache, and just "chilled" with him for a while on the couch. Running my fingers through his hair is a favorite pastime of mine. I like his silky silver hair! These are the times of married life I enjoy a lot--thinking of one another and doing for one another, appreciating the quiet things after a day of go-go-go.

Best part of the day? Hearing how he was affirmed in front of his boss.

I asked Paul, "So, how did everything go?" And he said, "Really good." (I didn't correct a tired man's grammar.) I asked him, instead, to define "really good." Basically he landed the account he was after, and when his boss (who had traveled with him) asked the client why they went with [us] the answer was, "We really like the responsiveness and customer service."

I said to Paul, "And that would be you?"
He grinned the grin I love and said, "That would be me."

At that point I hugged him, kissed him, and made much of him. He pretends not to like the attention, but I think secretly he does.

And...get this...he got up this morning, normal time, not sleeping in--and went to work! Man, oh man, I love this man!


  1. Now, reading this post just gave me the "feel goods" all over. How sweet of you to post this and share the love of your "man" with us. A good man is hard to come by and when we are lucky enough to have one, we need to boast about it every now and then. Blessings to you and your man!

  2. Such a sweet post about your husband! It is lovely to read appreciation for the men in our lives!

    I read your comment on my blog and you must have read my mind because I had recently signed up for the challenge with Simple Mom! Having a partner would be perfect to keep that motivation going! I am petrified of some of those "before" pictures also, but after what I revealed last week, it doesn't get much worse! (except maybe under my kitchen sink - Ick!)

  3. Sounds like a keeper. =) What a blessing to have such a wonderful man in your life.

  4. Sometimes I think at least as a very young wife that we forget to talk good about our man. I know I do sometimes, but I also know that when I speak well about him so he hears it he feels better about spending hard long days at work.
    Thank you for sharing about your husband.

  5. Still crazy (in love:) after all these years! This is good!
    Wanna know one of my favorite things about Paul (and I've never met him!)? It's apparent that he has good sense (and good taste) because he married you! Marriage blessings to you both! Love, sweet love!

  6. Still crazy (in love:) after all these years! This is good!
    Wanna know one of my favorite things about Paul (and I've never met him!)? It's apparent that he has good sense (and good taste) because he married you! Marriage blessings to you both! Love, sweet love!

  7. Still crazy (in love:) after all these years! This is good!
    Wanna know one of my favorite things about Paul (and I've never met him!)? It's apparent that he has good sense (and good taste) because he married you! Marriage blessings to you both! Love, sweet love!

  8. I think it's great that you affirm your husband in this way! I love my man too. He works so hard so that I can stay home with our children, but we never feel neglected or unloved. Home or not, we always feel loved by him.


  9. Very sweet post:)
    I am also blessed with an amazing husband who is the hardest worker I know, and still makes time to spoil me.
    This post reminds me to brag on him more often, no doubt it made your hubby smile to read it.

  10. Thanks, everyone. I need to express my warm fuzzies for him more often than I do. This was a good exercise for me because I can be all too quick to point out the negative or just keep my thoughts to myself when I'm feeling proud of him, as if he can read my mind.


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