Sunday, March 06, 2011

Daybook. 3.6.11

As prompted by The Simple Woman's Daybook:

Outside my window... Rain, rain, rain! Darkness, too.

I am sons learned well about how to be gentlemen from their dad, and romantic from me! Their girlfriends think they are amazing, what with the flowers and going places that are more to the girl's liking than their own, and holding doors, and carrying heavy objects. I enjoy hearing the girls (and their moms exclaim), "He's so thoughtful {helpful, sweet, romantic}." I simply beam.

I am creating...something that is a model for a Mother's Day gift that my art students will work on for several weeks. I wish I could say what it is, but I don't want to spoil any surprise in the very off-chance that someone from co-op reads my blog. I'm not sure WHO reads it anymore, based on the low number of local commenters.

I am wearing...a black knit V-neck, blue jeans, socks, and slippers. I've been cold all stinkin' day.

From the kitchen... I fixed Wings-3-Ways tonight (Old Bay, BBQ, and Hot), broccoli cheese soup, and reheated crusty bread. Sarah added a fruit salad of fresh pineapple, kiwi, and banana. Yum. Do you know the little trick to get hard bread soft again? Run the whole loaf under tap water for 10 seconds, then wrap it in foil and bake it for 10 minutes at 350. Voila! Soft and fresh.

From the learning room: It's Sunday. The learning room is out of service. But I'm filling out the application to the classical Christian school where we want the young'in to go next year.

I am reading a few different books. (1) Understanding the Man in Your Life by H. Norman Wright (2) The Holiness of God by RC Sproul and (3) Dog Whisperer by Cesar Milan.

A few plans for the rest of the week: 1) Submit our school application . 2) Sign up for a dog obedience class. Reilly has too many bad habits; we need professional help! He jumps, he picks up everything in his mouth, he pulls too hard on the leash for anyone to enjoy a walk. 3) Get my bedroom into a condition I'd call "sanctuary." 4) Use the treadmill 3x and the ab machine (free from Freecycle!) 4x this week, and to lose weight.

I am hoping... to visit a lonely friend, and for sunshine.

I am hearing... about people in my circle of friends who are ready for the Holy Spirit to, once again, be poured out upon them. We want to love Jesus more and more, to share His love with other people, to tell them about salvation, to use our gifts however and whenever we are prompted to do so, not remain status quo in our comfy huddles

A picture thought I am sharing... this one with the story that still makes me laugh and avoid crossing my ankles at all costs while wearing silver slides.


  1. This local gal still reads, but doesn't comment much. Mostly that's because I read whenever I can squeeze in a second to sit down while the little guy is napping and my other necessary things are caught up. :) Otherwise, he "helps" me comment!

  2. Why, thanks, Leanne. It's good to know I'm not a complete bore.

  3. not a bore, I read, too. All the time. I just am a bad commenter. I miss our little circle from many years ago when all we read were a few blogs!!!


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