Monday, March 07, 2011

Project Simplify: Week 1, The Master Bedroom Closet

Wish I could snap my finger and have my bedroom closet look like this, the way I got it to look last year. But alas, the monster called Atrophy lacks no victims.

As March 1st approached (my personal New Year this year), there were changes I had to make, including around the house. I knew I needed some external motivation to accomplish some of my dreaded projects of decluttering. So when I found Project Simplify, I knew it was perfect timing. Sometimes just knowing there are homemakers out there doing the same thing at the same time help me do the deeds. It's nice to have a group of virtual cronies who are clearing stuff out, making decisions, shaking their heads with "why on earth have I kept this?" and wishing for a fairy godmaid to come along--and then, when we're done, high-fiving one another and utterly enjoying the state of our little piece of real estate that we've transformed.

This week is the master bedroom closet. Like it or not, the rules of Project Simplify include having to take a "before" picture. Well, since my good camera's charger has gone AWOL, and we're plum out of batteries for the point-and-shoot, I took pictures with my phone. Oh, well, at least I played by the rules! And maybe the poor quality will actually mask the horror? (I'll show both "before" and "after" when I'm finished, or on Friday, whichever comes first.

Oddly enough, the worst part was talking myself into it. Procrastinating took a lot more energy than producing! Today is only Day 1, and it only took 55 minutes to get it looking pretty good. Every piece of clothing that doesn't make me feel good when I wear it, for whatever reason--color, fit, or fabric--is in the "donate" box for our church's yard sale in April. Some of the crap in the closet was just trash. No excuse for that. Other things just needed to be rewashed, so into the laundry they went.

Fifty-minutes. Who knew? I have maybe an hour's worth of work left in there, max. This I can say: I'm so pleased I made a lot of hard decisions last year. Sure made this go-around easy.


Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Good deal Zoanna! I'm sure impressed! Isn't it the best feeling to be rid of all the clothes that are just taking up space. I did that at the first of the year and took a boat boat load to the consignment shop.

Blessings to you for a beautiful week!

Joyce said...

This is on my to do list here make me think it can be done : )

Laurie said...

Yes! That is such a good feeling! Our grandkids don't know it yet, but next time they're here, we are going through a closet full of toys to decide whether to keep or donate! "All those toy, toys, toys, toys!!!" (This is brand new territory, going through toys w/ grandkids!
I may find that the idea lacks wisdom... ) Will they be eager to keep toys or willing to move some along!?

Zoanna said...

Lea, I like your go-getterness. I had good intentions for the first of the year, but alas...

Joyce, it CAN be done. Set a timer for 30 minutes and just dive in. Don't burn out. I can handle 1.5 hours max at a time, but if I put 1.5 hrs on the clock, it messes w/ my motivation. I can fool myself better than I can fool anyone!

Laurie, wow, that IS new territory. I'm not sure you're going to rejoice or regret it! In order to get Joel (my packrat child) to part w/ treasures, I have to give him a number limit on toys he can keep. You may keep 27 Hot Wheels, not 67 or 13 stuffed animals, not 29. He surprised me and parted w/ the cars that wouldn't go fast or had colors he didn't like. With the stuffed animals, he started keeping all the cats, then dogs, then wild animals. Funny what they find important>:) I also had to reinforce the giving to kids who don't have as much. For some kids to grasp that is easy, but not him.

Anonymous said...

Dear, dear Zoanna, I haven't written to you in such a long time, I hope you haven't forgotten me.
BUT things at our house are changing, we are looking at assisted living so I have to "clear the clutter!"
One thing is going through all the scrapbooks I have made through the years, and that is about 100 of them, remember we have a big accumulation of family and 66 in May, of married life.

So, last night I was reading Tristan's blog of questions. You were among his best commenters and right there I found out you lived in Maryland.

So, I have a favor to ask. Last spring our youngest son, he is 54 in May, his wife, son, and daughter, teenagers moved to Anapolis to take a new job. He has settled down, loves the area.
My favor of you is to contact him, especially wife Vada Marie, and welcome them to Maryland.

We are very proud of them, the whole family, nice family, but a long way from us,

So, would you write to me and I will contact them and see if you
can get together. Bryant is busy, he is in the midst of remodeling the South African embassy at D.C., should me interesting.

I know they will love you and I am sure you will love them, too.
Love you,
Betty G

Anonymous said...

Me again, I am sending my e-mail address,

I am excited about getting you and Vada Marie together.

Love you,
Betty G