Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hodgepodge: 5-Oh Edition

I'm gonna make this short (believe it or not). It's Joyce's 50th edition of the Hodgepodge. Not sure what edition I joined in on, but I have enjoyed it every week since. This is the year for jubilee, I guess, with all these "Fiftieth" celebrations--my hubby's big 5-Oh, my friend Laurie's big 50th, my parents' anniversary, and the 50 things I should be doing today instead of doing this post!

1. What gives you goosebumps?
In a bad way, the sound of a miter saw cutting lumber . In a good way, hearing stories of how twins feel each other's pain or sense the other's danger even when they're miles and miles apart.

2. Halloween-are you a lover or a hater? Okay, that sounds harsh...Halloween-yay or nay?
At one point I was quite the "nay" sayer, but I have morphed over the years. I do enjoy the creativity of some costumes and enjoy handing out candy or going trick-or-treating or to a Trunk or Treat. However, I am very much aware of the evil in the world and the work of Satan should not be glorified through trying to scare people, and I 'm certainly a hater of those enormous and very tacky inflatable lawn pumpkins and lawn ghosts and lawn headstones like the ones I see in my neighborhood. There's even an inflatable tarantula the size of a VW bug up the street. I kid you not. Ultra tacky.

3. Can you respect someone you do not trust, and can you trust someone you do not respect?

I can respect someone's position of authority (parent, president, pastor, principal, to be annoyingly alliterative) but once the trust has been broken, I don't have personal respect for them.

4. Apples or oranges? Yes, you have to choose.

As a fruit to eat alone, oranges, but apples are so much more versatile. Apple pie, apple cider ,apple crumble, apple-walnut salad. Still, my choice is oranges!

5. What is something you wish was in your town? (shop, restaurant, attraction, etc)

We aren't really "hurting" for things in our town, but I wish there was a Sonic close by.

6. What non-food item is in your refrigerator or freezer?

Wine is non-food, right ?Or do you mean indigestible (with liberty and justice for all)? If the latter, I think there might be some of my daughter's Lush brand natural make-up in there that needs refrigeration. But who knows, I can't even SEE all the contents because it's so full. ?Sounds like a good problem to have, doesn't it? Trust me, it's not.

7. Are you at all superstitious?

No, although I am quite confident that bad things could happen if I don't get off this computer and tackle my 50-plus things-to-do list!

8. Random thought: Who remembers the old TV show "Hawaii Five-O" ? I am wishing there was a Hawaii attached to ANY or ALL of these "Five-O" celebrations this year!


  1. So many funny things in here today...reading your answers always makes me smile. Hope you get everything done that needs doing. No Sonic here either. Sigh. I guess its probably a good thing.

    I often have the same frig 'problem' : )

  2. I'm with you on apples. Love them any way at all!

  3. Trust me. Not having a Sonic is a good thing. I pass one within 5 minutes no matter which direction I leave my home. It. Takes. Great. Willpower. To. Drive. By. Without. Stopping...for a Butterfinger blast. :)

  4. Happy Autumn!
    "Who's afraid of the big 5-Oh,
    The big 5-Oh, the big 5-Oh!
    Who's afraid of the big 5-Oh
    No, no, no, not me!"
    Now that's scary! ;)

    Hawaii Five-O! I remember the song! I took tap dance lessons for a short time and learned a dance to the music of "Hawaii Five-O"! My grandma called into a local radio station with a request for the Hawaii Five-O Theme Song so I could practice and show her my dance! I waited around (poised for the dance) until the radio played our song! (Now we'd have instant computer access!) As soon as the song began, I danced and was pleased to give my Grandma a dance recital!
    May you have a good goose-bump kind of day!


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