Sunday, October 23, 2011

Two New Leaves

Come November I would like to "turn over a new leaf" or two. Since I tend to go from the pits to the moon when I think of making changes, I had better set realistic goals.

So, here goes.

1. Walk 26.2 miles in November .That's what one of my friends is running in a single day (yes, the Marine Corps marathon) so I think I can walk 26.2 in a single month. Considering I haven't done much in the way of a physical challenge lately, it's time. It's past time. It's waaaaaaaaay past time. I knew it was way past time when my little boy patted my belly last week and called it "rumpage."

2. Send two greeting cards a week. Any kind--birthday, thinking of you, thanks, sympathy, humor, whatever. It's something I have been meaning to do. You know what they say about good intentions. ("The road to hell is paved with good intentions.") Far be it from me to help pave any road, but I certainly don't have to pour asphalt for that one. My husband has been encouraging me to write notes to people for quite some time.

So, feel free to ask me randomly during November how I'm doing with those two goals. How about new leaves for yourself? Which ones would you like to turn over in November?

1 comment:

  1. Honestly? My two leaves had a quiver full and that quiver full has multiplied into a pile of leaves! I'm overwhelmed! But I'm encouraged that you have chosen two leaves! That's smart! I suppose my goal is to "get through" Thanksgiving holiday without my Mom… I always knew, but didn't fully appreciate until this year, how much energy, encouragement, cheer and zest she added to my life- her enthusiasm for holidays was refreshing and joyful! So my goal is to not "Fall" or crumble like a dried leaf and to be open to discern leaves that need turning! I'm hangin' on, but the wind doth blow!
    Keep the goal setting and um, well, you know my address! ;)


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