Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hodgepodge Wednesday on Saturday?

I was a bit too busy on Wednesday to post ,but I hate to miss a Hodgepodge. I assume the questions don't expire.

1. How do you typically react in a sudden, extreme, pressure-filled crisis? Would we want you nearby in an emergency?

I have reacted "all over the map" in emergencies. Typically if I'm solely responsible for getting help, I can do it calmly on the outside while freaking out on the inside. If I'm second in command ,I am not quite as competent in the moment . In cases of natural disaster ,I can mobilize people and things to meet the needs. You would want me in an emergency as long as there is no fire or rushing water involved. Earth, wind, yeah. I'm all right. But fire? No. I absolutely cannot function.

2. Caramel apple-caramel sundae-caramel corn-caramel macchiato...of the four, which caramel treat would you choose?

Caramel apple ,but ya know there's a choice not on here. Caramel cream candies. I bought some yesterday just because you ,Joyce, had made me think about caramel for three days!

3. Is there such a thing as destiny? Explain.

Yes, I believe so, and I believe that God is in control of each person's destiny . I won't go into details because you probably don't want a Calvinist sermon to read. That's what I'm tempted to write.

4. What's your favorite piece of furniture? I'm referring to something currently in your possession as opposed to something on your wish list.

My bed. It's a queen size, cherry wood sleigh bed topped with a sleep number mattress, celery-green Egyptian cotton sheets, a memory foam pillow for me, neutral gold comforter and shams, and a husband who doesn't know how many more years it's going to take to get me to stay on my own side of the bed with only my half of the covers. Today he is hobbling around in pain .Apparently he awoke to find my leg pinning his.

5. Wednesday night marks the start of the 2011 Baseball World Series. Did you know? Do you care? Will you be watching? Ever been to a professional baseball game? If you're not an American do you find the title 'World Series' annoying or amusing?

Really? I didn't know that. A sad comment ,I'm afraid, because there was a day I loved baseball. In my junioryear of college , I lived on 33rd Street, between the Hopkins campus and Memorial Stadium. I loved to spend summer evenings on my front porch, watching Orioles fans throng to the game. The city was alive with excitement, and I got caught up in watching people carry their cushy-tushy seat pads, little coolers, and maybe a ball to have autographed if they were lucky. The unmistakably ""Balmer" accent sounded friendly and unassuming. "Hey, hon, how 'boud dem O's!"

I attended my first professional baseball game when my Grandpa took me to a game in Kansas City. I still remember the name Amos Otis, but I couldn't tell you who he was, I just I kept hearing that name during the game and thought it was really cool. My grandpa was the loudest I ever knew him to be while at that stadium. I attended a couple Orioles' games at Camden Yards as an adult (after Memorial Stadium was sadly demolished due to old age), and just really loved the aesthetics. However, I was ready to leave after the fifth inning even when they were winning.

6. One sound that takes me back to my childhood is ________.
a whinnying horse. We loved our Brandy, a Morgan-Thoroughbred that Daddy bought when Andrea was working at the stable in exchange for riding lessons. Brandy was 12, and lived to be 26. (In this picture with Ben and Sarah, Brandy was about 21.) She became very ill with some neurological problem while Andrea was in the Air Force, but hung on until Andrea could come home and feed her the last oatmeal she ever ate. We buried Brandy under pine trees at the back end of the pasture. I still miss that beautiful mare...the sight of her head lifted high when she sensed a storm coming, the smell of her hair and breath when I groomed her, the feel of her rocking canter on a spring day after school, and the sound of her whinnying when her stall latch was opened at dinnertime.

7. On average, once you've linked your hodgepodge post to mine how many other participant blogs do you visit? Do you ever come back to the Hodgepodge later in the day or even the day after to read posts?

On average, three-- at first, then more later in the day or week. I try to leave comments because I know how nice it is to receive them!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

How about another picture? Here's a pony named Chocolate. He belonged to my good friend Darin. At the time, Chocolate seemed huge to me and I had to get a leg-up into the saddle. I remember it seemed to take him (Chocolate, not Darin) a solid six minutes to pee in the yard, and he always did that when Rachel was on him. I do not know why, but I thought it was funny because we were only given ten minutes each to ride! It's a wonder he isn't peeing in this picture. In this photo, Rachel is on him, Andrea is the cutie pie leaning in close to Chocolate's head, and I'm the one with the reins, sticking her stomach out like it's fashionable.


  1. Better late than never! Love caramel creme candies. Your bed sounds lovely. I have an oak sleigh bed with a water bed mattress. How wonderful to have a horse.

  2. So glad you joined up late! Love your answers and the description of your bed makes me ready to go and jump in mine.

    That last picture is so cute and in those days, we were proud of our bellies, or maybe I should have said, at that age. :o)

    Blessings for a great week!

  3. Well you're fine with the late post because it's Monday and I still haven't gotten around to even half of them.

    Caramel creams...yum!


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