Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hodgepodge: Putting, Primping, and Pinkeye

This week Joyce brings us another octet of questions for us to ponder and answer. Here's my Hodgepodge of asnwers. (Please ignore the fact that some questions are in red and others aren't. The text color button is playing favorites.)

1. Have you ever played golf? Just miniature golf. Any interest in playing? Not really. Walking all over creation hitting and tracking a little ball that would probably end up in the water or sand is not a pastime that beckons me. If I want water and sand, I will go to the beach. Do you have a significant other who loves to play? My husband likes to play--doesn't love it, and I've asked him if he'd like me to learn so we can have a hobby together in our empty nest years. He is about as interested in having me learn as I am. He's got a long stride and doesn't like to converse much. I have a short stride and would totally turn the game into a chit-chat session. You know, talking is "par for the course" when you're with me. Did you watch The Masters this past weekend? No, but I saw a clip of the winner when they put the coveted green jacket on him and he got all emotional about it. I'm sure I'd cry, too, if I won, considering I've never played.

2. Hats are back in fashion this do you feel about wearing a
hat? (fyi-I'm not talking baseball caps) When was the last time you wore one?

I like hats and wish they didn't look ridiculous on me. I would love to wear one. I keep saying one of these days I will get all pretentious and dress up for the Preakness like I'm "all that."

3. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 meaning proficient and 1 meaning
"I'd starve", how adept are you at using chopsticks?

Maybe a 2 or 3.

4. Has technology taken over? Pretty much. I wish it would take over my household duties.

5. In the course of a day how often do you look in a mirror?

What a question. Hmm, let's see, every time I'm in the bathroom which is probably 10x/day, and
I look in the vanity mirror of the car to put on lipstick and check my teeth and hair twice a day. So at least a dozen if I'm doing the math right.

6. Tulip or Daffodil?

Which blooms first? Grows taller? Is my favorite? Daffodils remind me of the birth of my first child, so they're sentimental, but for looks I prefer tulips.

7. I am proud of myself for... not doing too much barking about my husband's driving on our trip to Ohio and back. It can be scary, which is probably why I sleep a lot. The man has to be multitasking to be happy, so he not only drives, he sight-sees, messes with the GPS, fetches a drink out of the cooler, eats sunflower seeds, and pops a CD in. Once in a while he looks at the road and cars ahead of him.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Bad news: I got pinkeye the night before our trip out to Ohio to visit my brother-in-law and his family.

Good news: We had a great time. anyway. I just didn't touch him.

Bad news: I wasn't as much help as I intended to be. Ever realize how often you need your hands for things????

Good news: My hands will get to get to hold a miracle in November, Lord willing. My sister Jill is expecting her first baby! Yay! She and her hubby are "over the moon" about it. And so am I !! I get to be the aunt of a "little little" niece or nephew again. It's been 12 years since I knew what that felt like. And that was only for a few days in Texas. This little one will be only 15 miles away, and you can bet I will be finding excuses to just be "in the neighborhood." Good practice for grandmotherhood, I'd say, without rushing the newlyweds.


  1. Nice mix of things...

  2. Hopefully our husbands are never on the same road at the same time : ) I talk too much for golf too.

    I follow Bubba on Twitter...he's funny, humble, a new dad, and puts it right out there that he's a Christian. Never had a formal golf lesson before turning pro either. I love a story like that!

  3. What great answers. I love the golf answer that you would just go to the beach...funny! My husband loves it when I sleep in the car, the funny thing is we always get to our point a lot faster, imagine that!
    until next time...nel


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