Wednesday, April 11, 2012

J is for Jason

I am too tired after our trip to write a long post on the letter J, but the person I would write more about if I had the energy would be Jason.
He was one of the best pastors my husband and I have ever had. For Jason's compassion, leadership, wisdom, faith, and friendship, we have been deeply thankful. Although he moved away several years ago, his legacy of caring remains. He was the one who would call when he heard one of us (usually my oldest son) was in the ER or facing surgery. He would inquire of our marriage and give us hope during the rough times. He befriended my husband over many breakfasts at Panera talking about the Lord and football. (Not necessarily in that order.) Jason took a keen interest in our children's lives. He prayed often and specifically with us and for us. His sermons came from his heart and he illustrated his point with humility and humor from his own life.
Jason has modeled the heart of a pastor over and over. Our family misses him and his wife Laurie, who are now in another city pastoring a different church, but as the saying goes, "better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." His counsel always pointed me to Jesus and His power to change hearts. Working with a hardhead like me takes a lot of patience, but Jason excelled in talking me "down from the ledge" quite often, and I will be forever grateful.


  1. Hopefully his replaceent was equally as satisfying.

  2. What an honor! thank you so much, Zoanna, for encouraging my husband through this post. He is my all time favorite pastor too :) . We love you guys! I'm passing along this link to him right now!

  3. Your words show me what a wonderful leader Jason was to you. How lucky you are to have known him. Not everybody will meet such a good man.

  4. I could say similar things of Jason (and Laurie)...they are dear, dear to us. Well put, Zo!

  5. What a wonderful post! He sounds like a true man of God!
    until next time... nel

  6. Sounds like Jason and his wife impacted many lives. God will bless them as they continue to lead more souls to Christ.

  7. Catching up on your blog posts here. And I agree, I miss them too! :)


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