Sunday, April 13, 2014

Daybook: Spring Break Edition

Even though I get a blogging break today from the A to Z Challenge,  I thought I'd update my regular readers on what's going on around here. In case anyone cares.

This is a Daybook, a slice-of-life meme hosted by The Simple Woman.


Outside my window...

Daffodils in bloom! Sunshine!  Birds tweeting! They're tweeting about the spring weather. #finally! #glory to God!

I am thinking...that something is wrong if I've linked up with a 2000+ other bloggers, but yet my comment box hasn't had more than 5 comments per post.  It's discouraging, to say the least. 

I am thankful...for Kleenexes, Benadryl, ibuprofen, and sleep. I think my allergies are the worst they've ever been.  I have a cough and low-grade fever that kept me home from church. 

In the a carryout bag from Bob Evans.  The hubs was in the mood for their meatloaf and mashed potatoes, which was fine with me. I'm wiped out.

I am wearing... a company-logo white polo, jeans, grey socks, black clogs and no makeup. 
Do you know what a rarity no makeup days are for me? I did put on lipstick to go pick up our dinner, but
normally I'd put on eyeshadow, mascara, blush, AND lipstick on any normal day.  But puffy, watery eyes and eye makeup are a miserable duet.
I am creating... 

a doll quilt design I'm calling "Ellies in Wellies" (elephants wearing rainboots) because I just love the sound of wellies, and thought I'd design a quilt around the cute rhyming sound of it.  Depending on how much time it takes, I may keep it for my niece instead of giving it away to Operation Christmas Child. We shall see. 

I am going... to take everything out of the master bathroom tomorrow.  My husband and son will start demo tomorrow night .  I haven't seen this 12 year old so excited since his last video game purchase. He can't wait to start destruction.  My brother-in-law, who is a master builder, is supposed to come Wednesday and Thursday to start tiling the shower, for starters. 

I am wondering...if choosing the rest of the bathroom fixtures will be as easy as it has been thus far. We have agreed on the tile, shower pan, vanity, and flooring.  Will we agree on medicine cabinet, mirror, lighting, and paint?

I am reading...very little. 

I am attend the Passover seder with my parents' congregation on Tuesday evening.

I am looking forward to... not having to get up and out the door this week. Spring break is niiiiiiicceee.

I am learning... that I have changed, for the better, in my ability to "go with the flow." I used to insist on my own way, thinking my way was best.  I'm sure that's a lifelong struggle with self, but it's heartening to see that I've had victory in something that used to be a strong character flaw in me. 

Around the laundry that has been piling up while I've been feeling crummy. 

I am pondering... taking a trip somewhere. I've got this yen to fly!

A favorite quote for today...  Something one of the first graders said when we were having lunch bunch together. (Lunch bunch is a hand-selected group of students who have earned, by good behavior, the privilege of having lunch with the teacher--and her mom, when I'm there.)    My daughter was wearing a  cross necklace. One boy asked why. A girl piped up , "Because she loves God, DUH!"

One of my favorite the smell of men's cologne after my guys take their showers.

A few plans for the rest of the week: It's spring break, and I'd love to be going to Kansas or New Mexico, but I will be helping redo our master bathroom, catching up on laundry, and cranking out A to Z posts because I'm no quitter. Ha!

A peek into my day...

Someone mentioned me in her blog today! Don't you feel like a celebrity when someone does that?  Check out my friend Preeti's blog.  If you're a quilter, you'll espcially appreciate it. 


  1. Hey Zo,
    I feel like a celebrity now and so does my blog :-)

  2. Hi, I tried reaching you through the SWD, but the link didn't really work. I managed to find the page and your Daybook. Maybe that is why you aren't getting an traffic. I hope you feel better soon. We have our Passover Seder tomorrow. My husband usually does the cooking. I can't wait. Have a blessed Resurrection/Easter weekend.


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