Monday, April 14, 2014

L is for Love for Mama

If you're just popping in here for the first time, I'm participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge. (See sidebar button for what it's all about.)  My theme is "My Daddy's Words," and I am lifting topics from a little blank journal that he wrote for me in 1999.

I have his permission to do so, don't worry!

For the letter L, I knew I'd choose a question about love.  Here's one of my favorites because I never get tired of hearing my daddy's sappy but genuine words about his love for Mama.

Question: What do you love best about Mama now? 

Her ability to love me, warts and all. Truly our honeymoon hasn't ended. We love to be together, plan together, confront obstacles together, go to school together, eat together, and on and on.  Being in her presence gives me intense joy.  A big part of what I enjoy about Mom is her sense of humor and our fun with words.

At the beginning of our honeymoon , we found a plaque that she insisted I buy.  It says:

I am the master of this house.
Whatever my wife says, shall be done.

She sharpens my thinking as we talk about things.


  1. That is just the sweetest, Zoanna...thanks for sharing!

  2. If only all husbands recognized this quality! Your father's journal is a treasure.

  3. I know. He is a rare man.

  4. How sweet and sounds like you got your Mom's sense of humor.

    Easter blessings!


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