Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Bitter and Sweet in the Hodgepodge

Once more, Joyce has given us seven questions to ponder and answer. Click the cute button above if you don't know what I'm talking about. And please join in; we love company. 

1. What's the first image that comes to mind when you hear the word 'spring'? Which phrase

 best describes the season of spring where you live right now (today)-sprung! almost there, 

or still waiting?

First image that comes to my mind when I hear the word "spring" would be robins, then crocuses, daffodils, and tulips, in that order.   But daffodils make my mind "spring back" (not forward!) to the day I gave birth to my first child.  In a couple weeks, he will be 27 years old.

Where we live, I do believe that spring sprang yesterday. Even though there are still patches of snow everywhere, the birds are declaring that spring has arrived. 

2. Bed, couch, stapler, garage door, computer mouse, recliner, flashlight, door knob...which

 household item containing springs most needs replacing in your home? Speaking of 

springs...did you ever own a Slinky?

Garage door needs replacing.  Yes, I owned a Slinky. I remember watching it 

crawl down our long, wooden staircase in the parsonage when I was 9 years 

old. Very cool toy. 

3. March is Women's History Month. Share a favorite quote by a woman.

This woman and I share a birthday: 

4. What's a question that looms large in your mind right now?

The question that looms largest is so close to my heart that I can't even write it in on paper, let alone here on the internet.  

So I'll give you the one that's looming large but doesn't choke me up.  "What can I be doing to love Jesus more?"

5. Are you a sugar freak? By that I mean how much do you love sugar? With all 

the bad press sugar gets these days, have you made any efforts to reduce the 

amount of sugar you consume?

I am definitely a sugar freak and have made no real efforts lately to reduce my intake. 

6. Would you rather have less work to do or more work you enjoy doing?

The latter.  Vocationally I would gladly take on more tutoring students.  I love teaching.  Avocationally, I have enough quilts in my head to keep me busy till I die. 

7. Ever been to Texas? Of the top ten Texas tourist attractions which would you most like to 

see-The Alamo, The San Antonio River Walk, The State Capital, Dallas World Aquarium,

 Padre Island National Seashore, Houston Space Center, Schlitterbahn Waterpark in New 

Braunfels, Six Flags Fiesta Texas,  Moody Gardens, or Galveston Island?

As a matter of fact, my older sister lives in New Braunfels, so I have been to Texas. Unfortunately, the week we were there in September of 1999, I was having my second miscarriage, so my memories are all bittersweet. I have been to most of those places, and all are associated with both beauty and loss. The Alamo--I couldn't concentrate on the placards; I was holding back tears. The River Walk? Beautiful, but I had to stop often to rest. Padre Island was good for my soul--to be near the God who loved me even though He was taking my baby back to Himself before I was ready.  Six Flags? Umm, I mostly sat while waiting for Paul and the kids to ride the rides. We went to Schlitterbahn and that was somewhat of a good distraction to me, but there were babies and strollers everywhere; that was hard.   To tell you how time flies, my nephew is now a lifeguard at Schlitterbahn in the summer. 

Sorry to get all melancholy on you, but this is where the Hodgepodge sometimes takes us when we least expect it, right? 

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

As I'm writing this, it's Tuesday, March 10th.  My first son, Ben,  and daughter-in-law, Deirdra,  have been married three years today.   Gosh, three years. Seems like three months ago that I was blogging about their wedding.   

 They have a sweet marriage; we are the richer for having Deirdra in our family. 


  1. Oh, how I pray my children all have spouses that I can be proud of and glad to have in our family! Right now my son has a wonderful girlfriend - they really do compliment each other well - and it's fun to see them together. But they are SO young... no marriage or anything soon, please... but still, it's fun to see them learning what characteristics they value in a boy/girlfriend. Have a great day, my dear friend - off to hang pictures, after my coffee, of course! :-)

  2. Happy Anniversary to your 'kids'! They're always our kids, right? I think you are so right about the Hodgepodge...funny where the mind travels as we think about the questions each week. Sometimes the most unexpected places. Hugs xo

  3. Wishing your son and his bride a wonderful anniversary. Yes, time definitely flies! What a beautiful photo of the two of them!

  4. Unfortunately the stairs i had growing up was carpeted so I couldn't do that slinky trick. I did like playing with those a lot when i was a youngster.

  5. My brother Bill rec'd a Slinky when he was 7 for Xmas. On the first try down the stairs, he broke it by bending one of the springs.

  6. Love Mother Theresa and that quote. What a lovely picture of your son and I can't believe it's been 3 years either. I well remember when you were getting ready for the wedding. Happy mid-week!

  7. Wow, three years already?! I remember their wedding too. :) Happy Anniversary to them!
    Life goes on, doesn't it? It's a good thing.

  8. Our son gave us a Daughter-in-love 20 years ago who is so special to us. We have a very unique relationship that keeps her girlfriends shaking their heads. Yes, Hodgepodge does take us to some emotional responses but who best to share those with than other women who so often understand exactly. My question wasn't expressable either, Zonana. I pray to see God's Hand at work.


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