Monday, March 09, 2015

Seven Up Medley on Monday

Good Monday morning to you. I do believe I hear birds singing the tunes of the Beach Boys. It's hard to tell exactly what they're saying but it's got "sunshine" in the lyrics. All I know is, there are about 36 degrees of separation between today and last week.

(Last week)

My neighbor and his brother were building a snow man and snow fort for their little girl. I'm thinking they may have enjoyed it more than she did.

My deck table could have supplied enough more snow for a whole snow family.

1.  My friend Renee' had really wanted to go to a youth retreat with her kids this past weekend,  but her oncologist advised against being around all those germs.   She has been so isolated and was feeling low on Saturday.  She wanted help cleaning and she wanted company. So a mutual friend and I went over in the afternoon, and together the three of us handled the dusting, vacuuming,  and bathroom cleaning.  It felt so good and smelled so good.

2. We stayed and talked and got some carryout fried chicken (a rare treat) and Liz brought some movies to pick from.  We were having ourselves a regular girls' night out, except that we stayed in.
Hey, you roll with life's punches, right? And cancer is one of life's punches, a really hard-hard punch. We punched back, popped the 1980s movie "Overboard" in, and passed the Krispy Kreme donuts around. Kurt Russell, Goldie Hawn, and sugar--what a great trifecta for three middle-aged friends to enjoy on a cold March night.

3.  Did I mention that we didn't start the movie till 10:00 pm? I didn't leave until after we took a few pictures when the movie ended .   Didn't get home till 1:15 a.m.

4.  I totally forgot till midnight that Daylight Savings Time started the next day and I had to get up for church.  Sometimes life punches you in the internal clock.  Sometimes in the external clock. When both collide, it can make for a sluggish Sunday. And Monday.

5.  Today I'm making (or hoping to make) some custom burp cloths for a mom in our Bible study.
I want it longer than usual because the "normal" size from the package don't cover enough if that spit-up goes projectile, ya know?   I need to go buy some cute boy prints. Twist my arm to get me in the fabric store. I'm also going to try to make some bibs.

6.   I might be overly ambitious considering today is the Monday after Daylight Savings Time Sunday that followed a Girls' Night In on Saturday, but the shower is tomorrow (Tuesday). It was a last minute plan for a shower and it's at the new mom's house. (She was given the choice of going out or having us in. She chose having us.)

7.  I did manage to get a charity baby quilt sandwiched yesterday. When I have it bound and quilted I'll post the picture. I'm trying to get brave and do some quilting that's not in my comfort zone.  To be honest, the quilting phase is my least favorite of all the phases of making a quilt.

An old TV show was called "Eight is Enough" but I think Seven is Enough for today, don't you?

Have a great rest of the day, whatever zone you're in. Operative word being REST.


  1. Look at all that snow! And to think I thought the 1" we got was A LOT! It got up the near 70 yesterday, so I couldn't be happier! How wonderful what you did for your that!

  2. " A friend in need is a friend indeed." And she has a friend in you!
    I hate time change absolutely.

  3. What a fun, girls time and most especially for your friend fighting such a tough battle. Can't believe you could even get up in time for church. ugh!

    And, all that snow freezes me just looking at it.

    Great post!


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