Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Caution: High Winds in the Hodgepodge

Thanks to our friendly, neighborhood hostess, Joyce. we have yet another batch of Hodgepodge questions. By "neighborhood" I mean the world, but it feels rather cozy in Cyberville much of the time.

Pardon my long-winded post, but I must share some really exciting news. Something that most of us don't get the privilege of having in a lifetime, but it happened to me last week.

Since September I've been tutoring two siblings (sister and brother)  who are originally from China. In addition to their academic subjects, I would occasionally add some Bible reading. I gave each one a Bible as a Christmas gift because they didn't have one. In fact, they didn't even know how to pronounce "Jesus."   L said "Jess-iss"--and they didn't know a thing about God, Jesus, the Bible, or anything related to Christianity.   But gradually, over the past nine months, I have been reading with them the story of Creation, Noah and the flood, the birth, ministry, miracles, and gospel of Jesus Christ.  Both kids have been sponges, asking great questions, wanting more stories, more answers.

This past Thursday ,I felt prompted by the Lord to ask the girl if she was ready to accept Christ, and she said, "Yes!"  But then immediately looked sad and said, "But, what if I sin right after I do that?"

Bless her tender heart. I told her I'm 50 years old and still sin many times a day. But the good news,  I said, is simply that if she confesses the sin to God,  repents and asks His forgiveness, He will forgive her because he loves her. She was satisfied with that answer, and then we prayed together for her salvation. We were so happy and I hugged her, welcoming her to the Family of God.

 I am floating on air!!

1. I read here a list of 13 things you should do in June. I'm paraphrasing a little but basically...

Go on a road trip with your best friend, pick fresh strawberries, host a garden party, take a morning run, treat yourself to a flower bouquet, spend a whole day hiking, discover a new coffee shop, try a new ice cream flavor, read at least one book, visit a Farmer's Market, make a swing for your home, and visit a new city. 

Which thing on the list do you most want to do? Of the activities mentioned, which one holds the least appeal? How many on the list will you attempt in June? What's one thing you'd add to the list?

Well, I  did a lot of those things in one road trip to Kentucky at the end of May. Lexington was my "new city" to visit, which really meant seeing it from the road when we got a little lost. 

From the list, I'd most want to check out the newest coffee shop in town. The owner is a 17 year old girl, Jade, who bought the shop from her previous boss, with $6000 inheritance money from her grandmother, and her dad's help.  She had always dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur, and now here she is, fresh out of high school, the owner of The Jaded Bean.  Local musicians play live on the weekends, and the reviews are outstanding. Will it happen in June? Quite possibly.

Which thing would I like least? Running. I haven't enjoyed running since I was 9 years old.
What would I add?  Meeting a blogging friend for the first time in person.

2. What's something you could do today to feel more peaceful? 

Pray.  I'm having trouble forgiving someone and I'm dealing with a difficult parenting situation.

3. June 7th is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day. Are you a fan? Swiss mocha, rocky road, chocolate chocolate chip, peanut butter and chocolate, or a dish of plain chocolate...what's your pleasure? 

My favorite chocolate flavor is Jamocha Almond Fudge from Baskin Robbins. It's been my favorite since I waas little. My Granny owned a BR store and we got to try all kinds, of course.   The best was Jamocha Almond Fudge on a sugar cone.  But , as I said earlier, I've given up dairy and sugar because both have been my worst health enemies.

4. If you came with a warning what would it say?

I asked my  8th grade son if my warning would be "CAUTION: EXTREMELY HOT !" He gagged. "Not hardly, Mom. Just the opposite."   

Hmm, 30 years ago  I might have answered, "CAUTION: CURVES,"  but now it's more like "CAUTION: FALLING ROCKS."  

A friend was going to buy me a T-shirt that says, "I'm the Grammarian About Whom Your  Mother Warned" because I do notice poor grammar, spelling, and punctuation everywhere, ad nauseum.

  5.What's the most interesting website you've visited in the last week? .   I'm quite inspired by those quilts.

6. Spring, summer, autumn, winter...which season are you? Why? 

Do you mean which is my favorite?  Autumn.  
Do you mean which "colors" do I wear? Spring.
Do you mean my age and outlook on life? I'd say summer. I'm no spring chicken, but at 50, I think I'm relaxed and kicked back, but am planning for "colder weather," shall we say?

7. "You lose sight of things...and when you travel, everything balances out." ~Daranna Gidel

Would you agree with that sentiment? Explain why or why not.  

Yes ,I would agree indeed. Traveling makes you remember this world is big and you are not. Traveling helps you notice the grandeur of nature, the diversity of cultures. It changes your pace and rhythm a bit.

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

Last night my new little convert/sister in Christ said, "Guess what, Miss Zoanna? I have decided that I'm going to read the whole Bible this summer!"  


  1. How awesome that you brought someone to Christ...nothing better! Hope you have a terrific Wed., Zoanna!

  2. What a wonderful thing to be part of someone's story in the way you've been with your student : ) And they have plans to read through the Bible too-awesome! Enjoy your week!

  3. How utterly wonderful! My grand-daughters prayed with me, still understand and love God.

    I am Autumn, without a doubt.


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