Sunday, June 05, 2016

Hello, Again.

Remember me? Your friendly, neighborhood blogger? I'm still here.  And there's been plenty going on in my corner.

How about a list for old time's sake?

In no particular order:

1. My baby sister is expecting her second baby in just two months. Four days after my birthday, and I really wouldn't mind sharing a birthday. Unless the new one starts getting better toys than mine.

2.  Our second son and his wife just bought a house. Their settlement is the middle of the month and then they plan to paint (he hates it, but I'm sure he'll "recruit" family members to help). They will move, Lord willing, on the 25th.  The new house is only about 15 minutes from their current home, or 25 from us. It's a cute, little, 1950's (60's?) Cape Cod on a darling cul-de-sac with a good sized back yard, brand new everything (the seller flipped it) .

3. Best part is that that our son emailed us to say he is getting a bunch of people from their small group at church to help them moving.  "You and Dad don't have to worry about helping this time." Good thing, because as soon as they move out (of the rental we own), we are going to prep it for sale. That'll keep us busier than we want to be!

4.  Hubby remodeled the upstairs bathroom of the rental. Not too shabby for a guy who just had open heart surgery in January. I'll post pictures when I can.  I love how it turned out.

5.  I took our daughter to her summer internship in Kentucky in May. Had a glorious trip down there, if by glorious you can include steep mountain passages without a shoulder , and no cell reception. The scenery was majestic, so who needs anything else, right?

6.  School is out for my son in 7 days. This coming week is crunch time with finals and projects. Then he will be officially a high schooler.  Is that impossible or what???

7.  I think we can finally say that summer weather is upon us here in Maryland. Or late spring. Or actually early spring because the flowers are blooming. I mean everywhere. Our cold snap and monsoon that lasted for weeks kind of put the kibosh on a "real" spring.

8.  I'm almost finished my current quilt which I will donate to Project Linus in my county. There's a hospital five minutes from us; some dear child would like a quilt in his room, I'm sure, to give him comfort during a long stay.

9.  While in Kentucky, we stayed with my sister in her log cabin. Had a relaxing, do-nothing kind of stay, which was perfect for all of us. Down time. Just the three of us.

10.  My daughter is loving her 4 new housemates in Louisville. She'll be there all summer ministering alongside 22 other interns.  Her first request from home was coffee. Lots of it. All the girls drink it. And she had stocked up but left most of it here. I'm mailing 8 bags tomorrow.

That's about it in the proverbial nutshell.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Good to see your name. Sounds like your family and your summer will be very busy! Family--what a great word.


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