Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Blogging Again, flat on my back

I'm either growing more humble or just growing old fast.

Why else would the seeming majority of my posts be prayer requests for my healing??Ack, I'm sorry if you're tired of hearing my moans and groans. I'm a little tired of them, too.

I have been flat on my back , or variations thereof, since after I did school w/ Joel today. My right foot, which started gradually hurting 3 weeks ago, is now very painful and I can't bear weight on it. Not even on my tippy toes while hobbling to the bathroom without doing a scream dance.

Paul just walked in the door. I need to tell him I couldn't get a dr's appt till Tuesday and they advised me to go to Patient First. I plan to teach art tomorrow from a sitting position, Lord willing.

On Friday, maybe someone like my good daughter will offer to set my table for the Ladies' Christmas Breakfast (table has to be set sometime Friday).

Maybe Patient 1st will give me a cortisone shot so I can get some instant relief and be able to walk.

Maybe God will choose to use the prayers of his people to heal me overnight.

Or sooner, like about the time Papa John's shows up with our dinner in a half hour! Good thing my fingers still work. At least I can type. (Or maybe next post will be "pray for my fingers...they're suffer exertion pains. Blllth.)


Leanne said...


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your foot. I'll be praying for you and Briana and that you'll both be healed.

Anonymous said...

I'll be talking to God off and on during my day and I will remember you.
Much love,
Betty G

Anonymous said...

I'll be talking to God off and on during my day and I will remember you.
Much love,
Betty G

Zoanna said...

Thanks, everyone. I woke up this a.m and the foot was about 85% better. Another teacher was already on the schedule to teach both 1st and 2nd grade art, and after observing what she did w/ them, I was able to do exactly the same thing w/ the K class, which they loved. I got to sit and paint almost the entire 3 class periods. I do need to rest my foot AMAP again. That seemed the best thereay-- i mean 2nd best therapy after prayer!

Bethany said...

I will be praying too.