Friday, November 09, 2007

Fitness Chart & Hunger Pangs

Friday, Nov 9, 2007

Form of exercise: Walked on treadmill 9:20 a.m.
Physical Goal: burn 100 calories
Did I make it? Yes!
Mental Goal: thought I could only go 15 minutes
Did I make it? Yes--and more. Went to 23:02 for 100 cals. Wasn't as hard as I thought. 10 minutes passed, then 13, 17, 22, and finally 23. (That last minute is the longest!)
T'mill setting: Quick Speed set at 2 and 3, alternately. Incline: 1.5 entire time.
Spiritual Goal: to pray for the hungry children of the world, whose dark, gaunt faces I saw as I tried to fall asleep last night. They were African. I asked Paul if he was having any trouble with dinner. He said his stomach was growling from the bean soup. I had had cream of wheat for dinner, and some trail mix loaded with peanuts and raisins.
My stomach hurt, couldn't tell if it was hunger or nausea. The Lord prompted me to pray for truly hungry children, who live with this terrible pain day in and day out. I finally prayed, "Oh, Father, please put me to sleep. The pain will go away when I sleep. Also, please put Your dear children to sleep wherever they are so their little stomachs don't ache right now." Somehow my pain seemed so minimal. It wasn't from malnutrition. I had a pantry and fridge just one level away. The Lord heard and put me to sleep. I can only trust He did the same for them.

Weather: Too cold to be outside (high 30's at 9 a.m). Clear and sunny.
Add'l comments: Sweat is trickling down my face. Much as I hate to sweat, it feels good.


Anonymous said...

A wonderful post. You have given me a boost your direction. I am thinking of trying as much as I can using your method, but not til Monday.
I want to get to church Sunday. This is a hard thing for me so I need prayer for help.
So glad you are making progress,now keep it up and keep reporting to us out here.
Betty G

Zoanna said...

Thanks, Betty. It is the work of the Lord. Wherever He brings conviction, He gives grace for the change. "My method" is just a variation on what I read in Daniel. My "king's meat" happen to be sugar, soda, and fast food, so cutting out meat is a great incentive for me to cut out fast food. It's much less tempting to drive thru for a small, overpriced salad that for a dollar menu chicken sandwich or Whopper Jr w/ cheese. Without soda, there's even less reason to drive thru.