Friday, November 02, 2007

Cheer Me On or March with Me to Better Health?

Okay, Beth is a recruiter for good reason. She has a way of talking people into anything from Method wipes to better fitness. Not that she was trying to sell me a goal, but after reading her blog, I've decided to go public with my weight loss attempt. She is far braver than I am. I won't be publishing my actual weight or size (I'm a proud fat person). She wants better health and platinum blonde hair. I want better health and a good conscience toward God. I have not been a good steward of the only temple God's given me.

I started on a healthier lifestyle yesterday and here are my goals:

1) to lose 10 pounds in November
2) to lose 6 more in December
3) to have a stronger body and more endurance
4) to lose 50 pounds by Easter, 60 by STephen's graduation

What's my plan?

1) use the treadmill 2x/week and walk outdoors 2x/week
2) return to the DAniel Diet (1o days at time without meat, sugar, or soda is my version)
3) use weights once a week at least (hey,it's baby steps, don't mock)

How will I be accountable?
I'll post my results here every Thursday morning, which is a weekly basis starting with Thursday, Nov 1.

Will you pray for me and cheer me on? I need all the encouragement I can get, especially since I've made such a habit of turning to food for comfort and relaxation.

Thanks, Beth, for spurring me on to love and good works in the health arena! ANybody want to march with us on this journey toward better physical stewardship?


Briana Almengor said...

Zo, I will certainly cheer you on through prayer. I don't think those are baby steps at all. They're quite large steps in my opinion. My bar has lowered with each kid I've born. :)
I have to consider jumping on the bandwagon..not quite ready yet, but will think about it. If I would , it wouldn't be so much for weight loss as it would be for breaking my sugar addiction(if that's possible) and to exercise more faithfully, including some kind of strength training.
I'm just not sure I want to take that on this time of year.

Zoanna said...

I perfectly understand. ANd thanks for your prayers. I am confident you will pray, because intercession is one of your many gifts. It really is a matter of being ready emotionally because we all know intellectually what we SHOULD be doing. I reached that point in October, and allowed myself a nice leisurely visit with my friend Barb, from Kansas, and when she was leaving we both vowed to get healthier, starting with weight loss.

Anonymous said...

I, too, will cheer you on with prayer.
I have enough trouble keeping on a diabetic diet but if I could I would lose weight fast. It is a hard diet to follow.
Since I had my gall bladder out I have lost 9 pounds. Now, did that gall bladder weigh that much???
Hope you make your goal.
Betty G

Amy said...

OK, Zo, I'm with you. Like Briana, it's more about sugar addiction with me. I was TERRIBLE in the last trimester of pregnancy and then really good about it right after E was born. Now it's gotten bad again. I wouldn't say I eat for "comfort"...I don't really know what it's for, but it's sinful eating, if I'm honest with myself. Total lack of self-control.

So, here's my commitment: one "dessert" a day. One cookie, one handful of chocolate chips, one chocolate chip granola bar, one small bowl of ice cream, whatever--just ONE small serving. That probably sounds like a ridiculous baby step but it really will be a challenge for me. If I don't announce it here for the accountability (and tell Steve--which I just did) I won't do it.

*hugs* to you as you seek to eat for the glory of God! thanks for the challenge :)

Zoanna said...

Sugar is my downfall (one of many) and diabetes runs in my fam (mom and grandmom). AT last physical, I was borderline diabetic. I don't want to lose legs or go blind which are probably my biggest fears about diabetes. So here's to baby steps! Baby steps grow!

Kristin said...

Hey Zo! I am definitely excited for you. Something that helped me lose extra weight in college as instead of cutting things out completely, I chose 2 or 3 strong holds to cut out, and everything else I really cut back on portions. I chose milk (I switched to soy), ice cream, and white bread to cut out and its amazing how you don't feel like you're denying yourself.

But I definitely will be encouraging you! I know that the couple weeks are difficult, but I once heard that anything you can keep up with for 30 days will then become a routine. So just get through November and it will be easier! :)

Vicki said...

WoW Zo! Bri is right, there is nothing baby about these goals, in fact they are rather giant goals. But it looks like your cheerleaders are lining up...

I am walking two-three days a week (when I can) pretty aggressively and then doing Pilates two days a week with some ladies at church. It is nice to have the Pilates for when the weather gets bad. As far as the eating, I have noticed even just really cutting back my portions has made a huge difference and letting myself eat whatever I want at least one - two meals a week. For your aggressive plan I would maybe suggest eat what you want for one meal a week to make your goal. You don't want to feel deprived. If you know that you are allowed that favorite meal or treat sometime this week, it won't be so hard to stay on track the rest of the week. I will be staying tuned to cheer you on... (I will send you emails too- we can encourage each other... I am not real familar with the Daniel Diet so you can give me the low-down...)
Great time to start this though... before the holidays... you will be ready to resist all the temptations and won't have any regrets! Go Zo!!

Zoanna said...

The Daniel Diet is, of course, based on the "10 days without eaating the king's food". For them it was meat, probably fixed with rich sauces and fat side dishes. Maybe the key word was "prepared food" (as in prepared by all his servants). At any rate, every 11th day (not weekly) I will have a meal and treats I desire. It's worked for me before. Mostly I need to become aware/conscious of what's going in , which is what WW teaches w/ journaling. I can't keep up journaling food very well, but I can easily ID my stronghold foods--sugar and fast food. When I start eating better, wanting to exercise follows. So that has happened. Thanks, cheerleaders!