Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Popping in for Prayer

This isn't a return to blogging. It's just faster than emailing a bunch of ppl from a computer that would require doing stairs to get to. I'm in too much pain for stairs.

I need prayer because I am having a LOT of pain in my lower back. I don't remembering an instant where I strained it, but yesterday was redecorating my family room (moved a desk, a floor lamp) and carried a sleeping 50 pound boy to bed since I was home alone. Or maybe I'm carrying too much tension. At any rate, I'm serving 15 ppl for Thanksgiving tomorrow. Thankfully I will have a lot of help from relatives, cuz I am having trouble walking.

So here's my pre-Thanksgiving thanks on this day:

-my wonderful husband who, instead of going to the Inner Harbor with his brothers, went grocery shopping for me,
-relatives who are making or bringing half the meal
-our Shiatsu massager
-hot water
-options (storebought or home-made?)
-daughter who loves to cook and bake and can do so w/o supervision
-tall men who will hang up my curtains after I iron them (and a husband willing to iron)
-sons who run vacuums and scrub potties
-a low-maintenance 5-year old (most of the time)
-generally good health and motivation so the house is company ready
-my company doesn't include Martha Stewart or anyone remotely resembling her
-opportunity to be with extended family and have a bunch of ppl at the table (one of my all-time favorite things, as this family is never at a loss for words or laughs and no one has a snooty palette)

I could go on and on. I'm very thankful. My heart is grateful for so much. It's my body is groaning.

You might not have a chance to peek at blogs today, but if you do, please pray for healing of my back. (So I can move better and think better on this busy prep day.)


Sarah said...

Praying for you.

Also, just wanted to let you know that although I understand why you are not blogging, your blog has been a real encouragement and a blessing to me. Miss you:)

Happy Thanksgiving

Jessi said...

Hi Zo,
Sorry I didn't get you my e-mail yet; I promise I will. I'll also be praying for your back! Hope your thanksgiving is wonderful and healing-filled!!

Leanne said...

Didn't get this until post-Thanksgiving. Think I'll pray for you anyway.

Anonymous said...

So sorry of your pain and I know what back pain is.
I heard once that if we would walk on all fours, like the animals, we would not suffer with back pain.
Also know that Stoppain Spray sold at Walgreens works miracles to stop back pain and lots of other pains. It is a life saver for me.
I certainly will pray for your relief and good health.
Much love,
Betty G

Anonymous said...

Being on all fours and no back pain is a good agreement for evolution.