Toy Story came in first, not surprisingly. The people in their group are over-the-top creative. One of the guys in our group said, half-jokingly, 'Yeh, but they didn't have a trunk. They had a Corvette for Barbie and Ken, but Corvettes don't have trunks!" Oh, do I detect a bit of sibling rivalry??? :)
Two of my older kids, Steve and Sarah, belong to a college age group that did Music of the Decades.
Groovy, man.
We had a science theme,
a farm theme (complete with live chickens and goats),
Disney princesses, a diner,
a camping theme, and many
other trunks decked out for a night
for community contact and fun.
We had over 900 guests some of whom indicated they wanted to know
more about Christianity and our church. That makes it all worthwhile.
Looks like everyone had lots of fun. Have a great wknd!
Hmm...not my best shot. Perhaps you could have a conversation with my son about disrobing me in public? :)
That being said, Matt was a little sad that we didn't get many pics of our setup on our camera. Would you mind e-mailing me those pics?
We did Trunk or Treat for the first time this year! We (hubby and I) decided last time to participate and do our trunk. It was a ton of fun, but I have some ideas for improvements. I'm bookmarking your post for ideas for next year.
Leanne, I didn't even notice. I guess everything seemed like a costume to my brain. Sarah got quite a few more shots. I'll ask her to email some of the best. The one of me ain't exactly flattering, but I wanted to show the Legos.
Joyce-this is only our church's second year doing T or T. We tweaked quite a few things and it was even better than last year. One thing to consider,if you do it on Halloween, is making the even go from like 4-6. OUrs was from 6-8 and that posed a few problems, including near starvation for those of us who had no dinner. Guests can also go trick or treating the traditional way if they want to.
We had free hot dogs and juice for everyone, but that doesn't always fit into the budget. It's also hard to do it on the actual day because some people have their own Halloween day family traditions already. We had a good turnout though.
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