I am using my blogger license to start this day with Wednesday Hodgepodge .
However, I am going to really discipline myself to answer each of these questions in two sentences or fewer. I think I can, I think I can.
1. Summer's here-whoohoo! What's your favorite sight, sound, AND smell associated with summer?
My favorite sight is probably speedboats on the lake pulling tubers (as in people in tubes, not potatoes and turnips--that WOULD be a sight!), favorite sound is the ocean lapping against the shore, and favorite smell is a toss-up between salty sea air and chlorinated pool water. Can't get enough of that H2O.
2. Fireflies or lightning bugs...what are they called in your neck of the woods?
Lightning bugs. They are the only kind of bug I like, and I adore God's ingenuity with each "light up" against the summer night sky.
Lightning bugs. They are the only kind of bug I like, and I adore God's ingenuity with each "light up" against the summer night sky.
3. What is something from the past week that reminded you of your childhood?
Watching my husband try to fix the vacuum cleaner (again) reminded me of how my dad could seemingly fix anything when I was a girl. From Barbie doll appendages ripped off her body, to a bicycle chain loosed from its bearing, everything went straight to Daddy to fix; no wonder the first time I knew I was "falling head over heels" for my hubby was when he fixed a too-big live Christmas tree into a too-small apartment I was renting.
Watching my husband try to fix the vacuum cleaner (again) reminded me of how my dad could seemingly fix anything when I was a girl. From Barbie doll appendages ripped off her body, to a bicycle chain loosed from its bearing, everything went straight to Daddy to fix; no wonder the first time I knew I was "falling head over heels" for my hubby was when he fixed a too-big live Christmas tree into a too-small apartment I was renting.
4. Define 'the good life'.
Hmmm, great question, even though it's technically not a question, but an imperative. "The good life" is nothing without the hope and promise of eternal life, so it consists foremost of having an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ; beyond that I personally include the following in the definition of "the good life": an intimate marriage with someone of the opposite sex, a best friend of the same sex, children with whom to share love, life, and a legacy, a generosity of spirit, the ability to forgive and keep forgiving others, the assurance that all is well with my soul, and I would have to throw in daily bread, an occasional pedicure, and plenty of make-up to cover the flaws that have crept to my face after having lived a mostly good life for 40-some-odd (very odd) years.
Hmmm, great question, even though it's technically not a question, but an imperative. "The good life" is nothing without the hope and promise of eternal life, so it consists foremost of having an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ; beyond that I personally include the following in the definition of "the good life": an intimate marriage with someone of the opposite sex, a best friend of the same sex, children with whom to share love, life, and a legacy, a generosity of spirit, the ability to forgive and keep forgiving others, the assurance that all is well with my soul, and I would have to throw in daily bread, an occasional pedicure, and plenty of make-up to cover the flaws that have crept to my face after having lived a mostly good life for 40-some-odd (very odd) years.
5. Tell us what we'd see if you took a snapshot of your desk/work space?

Well, essentially I have multiple work spaces--but then again, the whole house and yard are one huge work space-- nonetheless I shall narrow the scope of my answer to my writing desk next to my little "worship center" (AKA the living room sofa). Currently on that writing desk (pictured below at a time when it was tidy) sits a lamp with a Roman numeral shade and ceramic books as a base, a phone hook sans phone, several journals, a mess of pens (for which I have an obvious penchant), a few books, a couple of Bibles, some greeting cards I designed, some mail heading to my friend Bonnie in Zambia (above, with her Zambian pastor, who visited our church just before Bonnie left in November), some wedding-wear-for-the-derriere coupons from Target, a screwdriver for the aforementioned vacuum fix, a Gus and Grandpa book, a portable photo printer, some stray Legos, and a stack of glass coasters. Are you sorry you asked? Are you thinking, "That's either a huge desk or a very cluttered small one"? You're right, but I won't say which choice you're right about.
Okay, that was more than two sentences. Blogging police, here is my license and registration...
Well, essentially I have multiple work spaces--but then again, the whole house and yard are one huge work space-- nonetheless I shall narrow the scope of my answer to my writing desk next to my little "worship center" (AKA the living room sofa). Currently on that writing desk (pictured below at a time when it was tidy) sits a lamp with a Roman numeral shade and ceramic books as a base, a phone hook sans phone, several journals, a mess of pens (for which I have an obvious penchant), a few books, a couple of Bibles, some greeting cards I designed, some mail heading to my friend Bonnie in Zambia (above, with her Zambian pastor, who visited our church just before Bonnie left in November), some wedding-wear-for-the-derriere coupons from Target, a screwdriver for the aforementioned vacuum fix, a Gus and Grandpa book, a portable photo printer, some stray Legos, and a stack of glass coasters. Are you sorry you asked? Are you thinking, "That's either a huge desk or a very cluttered small one"? You're right, but I won't say which choice you're right about.
Okay, that was more than two sentences. Blogging police, here is my license and registration...
6. Peaches or watermelon...yes, you have to choose.
Peaches. I like them raw, in yogurt, in beverages, in dessert , on a boat, on a train.... Can't say watermelon is quite as versatile, but it is yummy.
7. Ever been skinny dippin'? Is that too much for the Wednesday Hodgepodge? Rest assured we won't need details...unless of course you feel you must but remember, this is a family friendly blog so keep it G rated.
Skinny dippin', no I haven't, but came dangerously close to being exposed when my best friend Kelly and I (summer after 10th grade) decided to exchange bikinis in the Atlantic. Somehow, by the grace of God (and boy, was it crazy to call upon that grace after such willful scheming) , while standing up in chin-high water, a ten-foot wave about to bear full down on our half-bare necessities, we managed a partial exchange, and washed ashore together--with her wearing a green-and-blue polka dotted top and zebra-striped bottoms, and I wearing the reverse.
Skinny dippin', no I haven't, but came dangerously close to being exposed when my best friend Kelly and I (summer after 10th grade) decided to exchange bikinis in the Atlantic. Somehow, by the grace of God (and boy, was it crazy to call upon that grace after such willful scheming) , while standing up in chin-high water, a ten-foot wave about to bear full down on our half-bare necessities, we managed a partial exchange, and washed ashore together--with her wearing a green-and-blue polka dotted top and zebra-striped bottoms, and I wearing the reverse.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
The sermon on Sunday meant more to me than any I've heard in a very long time. Perhaps in a future post, I will share my notes from the message by CJ Mahaney called "When Christians Doubt," summarized with the biblical advice from Jude 22: "And have mercy on whose who doubt."
The sermon on Sunday meant more to me than any I've heard in a very long time. Perhaps in a future post, I will share my notes from the message by CJ Mahaney called "When Christians Doubt," summarized with the biblical advice from Jude 22: "And have mercy on whose who doubt."
I like your answer to #4... I need a lot of words too!
So, do you write at the writing desk? : )
Enjoyed your answers! Thanks for stopping by my little corner, I will be back to look around your corner as soon as I get a free moment.
until next time... nel
Ok...the bathing suit story...too funny!! I hope someone took a picture of y'all with those mismatched suits!
ooo...I'm ready for the post that elaborates on number 8! Sounds interesting!
Yes, Sunday's message is one I'm going to have to download to listen to again and again. I think I took 5 pages of notes!
Ahhh! Summertime!
Ahhh! An encouraging sermon!
Ahhh! Intimacy with Christ!
Bask in the bounty!
Nel, thanks for stopping by. Aren't these Hodgepodges fun to answer?
Auburnchick--I'm sure somebody took a photo, but no one we knew. Kelly and I were alone--and foolish--laughing our heads off and thanking God he held back that wave just long enough...
Bobbi, I do want to write my notes on the blog to encourage others, but mainly so I'll have it where I will remember to refer again and again.
Danielle, I am with you. I wrote all over the margins since I forgot my journal that day. Wish growing up that the pastors had had that perspective. No wonder so many young Christians (teens) and older adults going through trials are beseiged with shame when they have doubts--we need to hear it's normal!
Joyce, I do not actually write at the desk (no room for legs; it's more of an occasional piece I fell in love with). I sometimes prop the laptop on a big pillow on my lap on the sofa, but I like the sound of "writing desk" and it does hold tools of the trade, so to speak.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Can't wait to see what the biblical advice was for those who doubt - I have several family members who really struggle with doubts... I'd love to know how to pray for them!
Here's my answer to your question which I also ran by the hubs since he is the travelin' fool : )
We both agree that August would not be our month of choice for a trip to Italy. It will definitely be hot and many hotels and restaurants are not air conditioned. And depending where you go it might be crowded. I have not experienced the dirty so much but have never been in August. We did spend a week in the lake region (northern Ialy, about 45 min from Milan) one July and we all agreed that was one of our favorite vacations ever.
All that being said though, if August is the month you can go then I'd go. There are still things to see and do and enjoy...where are you planning to go, what cities? If you plan to see Rome I'd book some things in advance to cut down on the crowd factor-you can book tours of the Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Coliseum and it is worth it as you bypass the queues when going in with a group. The Sistine Chapel gets the prize in my travel book for longest queue! We missed it though since we were on a tour : )
I think the likliest spot for all the things you mentioned to occur would be Venice...it is lovely but extremeley touristy (filled with tourists) any time of the year. I was there one April which was fine but I have heard folks say there is a bit of an aroma to the water in the hot months. I found it very clean when we were there. And Rome will be crowded but always is. Anyway, I'd go-just do your homework before you head out.
Loved your definition of a good life ~ and totally agree!!
I'd love living close enough to water to be able to smell it - unfortunately, we aren't even getting rain :-(
We don't live close enough to smell the ocean, Donna, but have a short (2.5 hour drive) when we want to. I must admit, I love living where I do on the East Coast--neither too far from the ocean or mountains. 4 Seasons to enjoy (although spring kind of skips us most years).
Joyce--thanks for the advice. We are seriously rethinking the whole thing, from cost to crowds to the heat.It's just that we have built-in child care (our oldest daughter) so that's not an expense or worry, AND I really do want to do something big for this BIG anniversary. Not a party, either, which as I've said before, is not what my hubs likes. I am really praying about what to do.
D&S--Jude 22 has the biblical answer in its simplest form: have mercy on those who doubt. But I plan to expound upon it using the notes I took. I will need to refer back to it many times. l
Ha! Blogging police. I sometimes get pulled over by them, as well. :)
Forgot about saltwater. I, LOVE, that smell. Love it. We generally go to the ocean in late spring or fall, so I guess it wasn't on my "summer radar."
Love CJ Mahaney!
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