Wow, is it ever hard to believe that I'm just a little more than 3 months away from my 1001st day of a "101 in 1001" list I started in August of 2012. Inspired by Joyce who was inspired by someone else (her daughter, maybe? I forget), this list is sort of a bucket list, and sort of a New Year's resolution list. The main differences, as I see it, are that it's longer than a year's worth of goals, and shorter than a lifetime's worth. About a 2.25 year's worth of "things I'd really like to do."
Here is the list I made way back when, in no particular order. The red cross-outs were completed as of last April 28. Today I will cross out and comment in blue.
2. Pack boxes for Samaritan's Purse at a packing facility at Christmas
(Tweaked this one by packing 9 boxes with our small group, assembly line style, praying over the boxes when we worked on them. I decided that making doll quilts for Samaritan's Purse was more rewarding (or just as rewarding as going to a packing facility.)
3. Make empanadas This accomplished desire fit nicely into son's 7th grade geography presentation of Uruguay. We made them together and they were a big hit with the whole class.
4. Learn watercolor
5. Visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art
7. Lose 2 dress sizes by June 1, 2013 (as of 8/15, down 5 lbs), 3 sizes by Jan 1, 2014) and 80 lbs total by 4/28/15) Went back up 5 by Oct 1, but went off gluten Oct 1 and lost 10 lbs that month. Eh...I've kept one dress size off.
8. Sand off faux finish in the master bathroom
9 Strip wallpaper from master bathroom
12. Find a good chiropractor and have at least 6 adjustments
13. Read a book on classical education
14. Visit friends in KS again Barb, Laurie, Vi, Uncle Norman and Aunt Ida Mary October 2014
15. Make a trip out west
16. Give blood
17. Talk with my folks about their will and final arrangements :(
18. Get 200K miles out of van Van made it to 152,XXX January 2014
19. Write 3x to female soldiers
20. Join a nursing home ministry visited n. home w/ school kids May 2013
21. Teach more art camps at home
22. Host 3 game nights with friends
25. Sell the Victorian organ
26. Replace all carpet in LR, hall, and BRs
29. Make a hobby room when S moves out -- S's old room is now J's room; J's old room is now guitar room
30. Write a song
31. Send 24 greeting cards (Christmas doesn't count) (12 to date) lost count, I'll estimate 20 to date
32. Design a set of 4 songbird greeting cards (1 chickadee 8/5/12)
33. Paint flowers A to Z
36. Design the remodel of the kitchen
37. Walk 26.2 miles a month 3x
38. Ride a horse
40. Host international students for an American holiday
43. Get piano tuned
44. Learn to draw 3 animals well (horse, bird, golden retriever)
45. Brush up on my Russian GIVEN UP: see no purpose
46. Visit TX and NM relatives
47. Read a biography of a martyr
48. Get my tooth implant done
49. Start Joel's school memento book and do up thru grade 5
50. Develop the rest of my old film
51. Do J's baby scrapbook
52. Buy B&D's wedding photos
53. Frame and hang wedding photos
55. Read Battlefield of the Mind
Wow. Reading this took my breath. One of my three friends, Carol, passed away in July 2014. Her husband assures me she knew I loved her and helped her practically and emotionally and spiritually. Another friend was uplifted by my visit. The third was helped with yardwork by my strong firstborn. 58. Make a pie crust from scratch
60. Fast from the computer on Sundays, at least 7 times
62. Get zoom lens repaired had to replace it
63. Make Christmas stockings for everyone (made 4 thus far: B,D,St,A ...12/12; made S's 2014)
65. Sell, give away, or repurpose old entertainment center
67. Play the hammered dulcimer
69. Get mammogram again
70. Serve a military family in a practical way
74. Take a Chinese cooking class w/ hubby from his cheffy friend
This is upcoming in Feb--Asian glazed salmon, not by his cheffy friend but a personal chef our daughter hired (as a Christmas gift) 75. Make an Indian dish
76. Host a birthday party for a friend
77. Learn Pachelbel's Canon in D Major on piano--- started, but I'm so rusty
78. Read through the Bible chronologically
79. Keep a prayer journal with columns (Request, Date, Answer) (ongoing)
80. Attend a horse show, race, or other event Planning on the Kentucky Derby with my sister this year!
83. Make curtains for basement in Ravens colors
84. Watch an old home video with the kids
85. Watch Ben's wedding video for the first time
86. Have a conference call w/ my 3 sisters at least 3x
88. Visit Savannah, GA
89. Meet a blogging friend for 1st time in person
92Complete a women's Bible study with a group Feb 2013
93. Thank a good employee in front of his or her manager
94. Repaint wicker porch furniture changed white to red, fall 2014
95. Learn to make sushi
101. Hold an Ebenezer dinner to recount answered prayers in the last 6 months
I've completed 42 out of 101.
While I really thought I'd have more accomplished than that by now, I wonder what would have happened without the list to guide and encourage me? I should have printed it out and kept it more visible. Many of the things left have to do with organizing photos--my nemesis. I love photos, but I am easily overwhelmed by the choices, and also am not sure why I delay watching wedding videos. It's not for lack of time or desire. What could it be?
At any rate, by God's grace, I will complete at least 51 by the time my "term limit"of 1001 days has ended.
Yikes ... this makes me think I have to go back and check my own out.... I'm worried. haha
You did good!
Wow...great job on your list, Zoanna! I'm totally impressed!
That is a very long list! I am impressed that you have accomplished that many out of 100. The stripping wallpaper would be last on my list.
I haven't done as many as I'd have liked, but I can see where I was a little overly ambitious and impractical in some of my goals. Still, I loved this and will make a new list when mine expires in April. I haven't done everything, but I have done something. And I think I've been more mindful of some things than I would have been had I not written them down. Congrats on all you've checked off!
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