This might not sound romantic, but I was inspired when cleaning the toilet today. Inspired to do what? you ask.
Inspired to tell you blogging friends one way your posts and/or life up close, in some cases, displays the fruit of God's Spirit. I see my Christian sisters (and brothers) collectively as a fountain of spiritual blessings in my daily life.
Abby, though you seldom post here, I read your posts on the CCC blog every time. I think your love is very evident. Love for the Lord, for your hubby and kids, your in-laws, your siblings and parents, your love for the fine and visual arts. Girlfriend, you got love written all over ya.
Ashleigh, your patience is evident to me as I read about your interactions with your children, your waiting to get good deals on home furnishings, your production of a bevy of pillows to pretty-up your place, and your proofreading jobs.
Amy, your generosity tells of your gratitude to God. To see His kingdom come to all parts of the world has been a huge blessing to me.
Bev, I don't know if you read this blog, but if you do, please know I admire your wisdom. You have a timely bit of counsel for many people so often.
Beth K, you have peace that can't be denied. Seems your proverbial feathers are never ruffled. You have a perspective of the eternal that must keep you above "see level" (meaning some people see the obstacles and freak out. You don't.)
Beth Y- your enthusiasm. Whether you're enthused about a great fragrance, a store with the big red bull's-eye logo, or the footprints left by your teeny girl on a clean hardwood floor, you are exuberant. You also make a great cheerleader for the rest of us.
Bethany, You've got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in your heart! Your photos and your writing ooze the joy of simple pleasures, like dirt and worms, beach breezes, and girly diaper bags. It's obvious your joy comes from the Lord.
Betty - Your faithfulness. In your 80s and still praising God and thanking him for each new day.
Danielle--your encouragement. Whether it's an encouragement to read a good book, go for a mountain hike, or spend more time in prayer, you have practical advice that I appreciate. I also get encouragement from reading your steady supply of comments to me and other bloggers.
Briana--You're the examplar of perseverance. You burn the candle at both ends, you must be made of wax. (Is that why you're so pliable, too?) To take the lot God has given you and keep making the appointment, keep giving those nebulizer treatments, keep cleaning up the yuckies day and night, you still find something good from the pit.
Isabelle, you are about the most gentle person I've (never) met face-to-face. I can just feel your sensitivity. You speak gently, you stitch gently, you sing gently.
With an excess of 20 comments per post left to you, your gentleness is "known to all."
Jessi, my newest blogging sister in Christ. Your faith must be huge. To be a pastor's wife of such a small church and have the faith to raise $50,000 for a building of your own, that's quite a testimony of how God has envisioned you.
Jessica, your steadfastness is fruit from God's bounty. To homeschool your growing gaggle of geese (and one chick) is no small feat. (Or I could be corny and say something about raising 10 small feet is no small feat, but I won't.) Keep encouraging the rest of us to keep on at the corner of Home and School.
Laurie, your humility is quite noteworthy. Admitting your utter dependence on God for the big and little and CONSTANT things of being a Christian wife and mother is something I appreciate seeing regularly on your blog. That and your cute cakes!
Leanne, your self-control is evident because I don't think I've ever read a complaint from you. You either control your thoughts well, or take the negative ones to God and leave the positive ones online! Way to go!
Sacha, your creativity is a reflection of the Creator. From the graphics you do to the handbag designs from old jeans, you put your mind and hands together for the furtherance of the gospel.
Sarah, where do I start? You're my closest blogging friend AND I have the privilege of being related to you and benefitting from so much godliness in your life. But I'll pick just one for today: your compassion. You have always suffered with the suffering, whether human or animal. You cry at the pain of others and look for ways to relieve their hurt. So glad you're my missions partner, sweetie!
You are so sweet.
Zoanna, I love your humor. You always make me laugh when I read your posts...even when it is something serious or sad you seem to throw an element in there that catches me off guard and makes me chuckle. I think most of the time it is because you are so honestly truthful. So thanks for bringing not only laughs my way but for writing honestly and provoking me to think a lot too. And to trust God. Wow you really do that well. With all of your mission money raising it is just great.
Zoanna, what a sweet post. Thank you for taking the time to encourage all of us. I have to agree with Bethany, I love your sense of humor. And I have great respect for you as a writer, you know how to frame things and express them in a beautiful, profound way and know when to appropriately sprinkle it with humor.
What a great picture and a very sweet post, Zo. Thanks for speaking our names before the Father today in your prayers and going a step beyond that to encouraging us in your noting of God's grace in our lives. We all need to hear of its presence and power from time to time.
Thanks Zo - this came on a day when I came home in need of some encouragement :)
Like Leanne said. VERY timely encouragement! Thanks!
Thank YOU for your evident desire to serve the Lord. Whether it's through sewing, cooking a meal, or cleaning, you exemplify what a woman wanting to further God's ministry here on earth! Thank you for that!
Did you write down all these names at the same time you were cleaning the toilets ? I'm kidding. It's true that I pay a visit to your blog almost everyday, but I seldom post a comment, as i'm so busy. Yet it's inspirational to read you or just to learn how life is in USA. Many daily events are different from ours. You are very productive in writing on your blog. I wish you a blessed Ascension Day which is a day off work in France.
Thank you for your kind encouragement. I read most of these blogs you mentioned and I agree with the honor you bestowed on each of them. I enjoy your blog as well and especially love your heart for the lost, particularly the motherless in Russia.
Zoanna!!! You are really too kind to take the time to do all of this! Thank you so much.
Thanks, Zoanna, for including me in your list of blog friends. I've been avoiding my blog because I've had a bad attitude this week, but I've visited yours every day, and what an encouraging surprise to find this today! Bless you!
Zoanna, thanks for taking time to point out evidences of God's work in our lives, how encouraging! You are such a "ruby"! You bear the hallmark of our Saviour in your compassion for the needy and your perseverance in prayer and doing good!
Hey, friend
Just had time to read this. I didn't know you included ME. Wow! I'm honored. Thanks for the encouragement! The other night in a caregroup context, my husband used steadfast to describe me. I was blown away 'cause I just don't see it. But, if you're saying it, too, I guess it's an encouragement from the Lord. :)
Anytime you wanna visit KC, I've got an air mattress with your name on it. :)
Aw, what a sweet and touching thing to do, Zoanna! You are certainly an encourager too, and as already mention, such an example when it come to helping the needy all over the globe. Thanks for that!
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