Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rescue 911, Sort of, For Young Moms

Dear Young Moms of CCC,

This has been on my heart and mind. I should have posted sooner, but kept forgetting when I had the chance. It was my friend Danielle whose most recent post came as a prompt from God, I believe, to follow through.

As most of you know, I love babies and toddlers, and have had three of my own in four years' time. When the youngest was 10, by God's grace I gave birth to our long-awaited fourth child.

I will never forget the days of having three in diapers. Most of the days felt very long. Some flew by, but only when I had a friend around. My mom was nearly an hour away at the time. Of course she came in emergencies (when I called, usually from the ER with a boy child!) or when special things were planned, but she wasn't in a stage of life where she was sitting around knitting booties. (She still isn't. She's a pastor's wife.) Many of my friends had moms "just down the street," and I fought jealousy big time. But I think, looking back, that God was preparing me with compassion for these present years when I see so many young moms where I was.

I had friends who were more than willing to help me in a crisis or even when I just felt strung out from dirty diapers, incessant crying (the kids' and mine), and life in the Mom Trenches. I didn't feel the liberty to "take time for myself" by hiring a sitter for such things as shopping trips with girlfriends, an afternoon alone in the park with my Bible or other good book, and did not recognize the sin of self-sufficiency. I thought a godly mom was one who worked herself to the bone, despised "me" time, and didn't let anyone into her thought life if the thoughts were anything less than "I can handle this. It's my calling."

All that to say this: I would like to be your go-to gal in frazzling times. I want to be someone you call when you don't know what else to do. Kind of like 911 without the blood (unless, of course, your situation involves it, in which case I recommend you call 911 first and then me!) Think of my number as YMH: Young Mom's Hotline.

Now, a bit about my schedule. My availability for the summer is loose. For me to come to your aid by myself depends largely on whether Joel has a sibling here to watch him. The older kids' work and social schedules vary daily. I can come with Joel, but in an emotional or sickly topsy-turvy that your own young'uns might be in, it'd be better without him, I think. Of course, my husband's desires will trump all (or should, let's say), but generally speaking, I would like you to think of me as a big red plus sign on a white background. Got the picture?

For the record, no, I am not looking to be paid as a regular babysitter. I tried that once as a mother and found I didn't like the fact that I was doing a more important job (caring for children) but making less than my "employer". Nor am I am at liberty to watch your kids for free at the drop of a hat so that you can get a pedicure. I am talking about bailing you out when one kid's on the toilet with diarrhea, one's throwing up on the coffee table, one's on your hip pulling at her ear, the doctor's office is calling you back but you can't find the cordless that Diarrhea Girl hid in the toybox, the cleanest dish in the house belongs to Fido, and you haven't slept more than 2 hours in the past 24 so you call me-- Savannah, Hosanna, Rosanna Danna, or Please Come, Banana! That's what I'm talking about.

IF that could be you this summer, please jot my number down. The worst I can say is no, but it'd be my joy to serve you with an extra set of hands and a knowing history of "where you're at", hon!

With love for you and gratitude for God for getting me through such times,

aka Your-Mom-away-from-Mom


Anonymous said...

Zoanna, this is so great! I appreciate your burden for young moms. It will be such a blessing to many I'm sure. Thank you for your example of humble servanthood.

Anonymous said...

Zoanna, what a sweet "letter"! Nice to know!

Anonymous said...

Zo, this is nice.

I don't need any help but would love for you to come over Saturday night, check the blog!

Leanne said...

I'm blessed by your heart from moms even though I don't have any kids!

Anonymous said...

you are a gem! I hope that i don't NEED to call you, but I do want you to come over with your boy sometime soon!! :)


Amy said...

This is sweet. I wish you weren't so far away from me!