Since my girl, who will be 20 tomorrow, leads such a full and busy life outside the home, I have given up asking her to post pictures of her closet transformation. It took place in January, so don't you think I've been patient enough?
Sarah knew what she wanted:
-no more pink and blue little girl motifs
-colors to go with the rest of her lime green, cobalt blue, and deep purple room-simple organization
- nothing on the floor
-laundry sorters for darks and lights
-matching hangers
-a result that looked so cool she might not want to close the door
-and all of that for under $100 since she'd be paying for it
She sweet-talked her dad into painting, and her little brother into using power
tools. (It didn't take much.)
The paint, if I recall, was
left over from the rest of
the room job, which she her
Pappaw (also a good painter)
worked on together. So
paint cost for the closet, we'll
say, was about $7.
She and I went to Lowe's and Home Depot to shop for the shelving and laundry organizers. (Not exactly a camera-worthy adventure.) I think she ended up finding the boxed unit for about $60.
In went some colorful canvas boxes from
Target ($5 each, so $25)..
and up went the hanging clothes on matching white plastic hangers (20 for $2)...
positioned near her fuzzy blue Christmas slippers...
And ...
VOILA! Brand new closet for under a hundred bucks
so inviting
it begs an open-door policy.
Yea! Can't wait to see the finished product!
How bright and cheery!
So nice that Dad and son can work together...!
Matching hangers!
Looks great!
I may not care if our hangers match, though it does look great, but they have to be plastic! I call wire hangers "Outlawed Hangers"!
I suppose wire hangers can be useful for roasting hot dogs and if you locked yourself out of the car!
This IS the finished product.
Nice! Great job, Sarah!
It looks great! Thanks for the inspiration Sarah:)
Yes, I do have a very attractive USPS box holding very special and important Russia items in the top of my closet.
Wow, nice job!
I LIKE the finished product!
I wondered if you were doing a chalk pastel for her b-day. Does that mean a drawing? (My ignorance may be showing!)
Mum's the word! We're going out to dinner w/ her tomorrow night. Sometime later she might post about her b'day and presents.
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