Monday, March 14, 2011

Strangling a Roaring Lion: Paper Clutter

Prepare to be depressed. This week's challenge will either kill me or make me stronger. The challenge: deal with the paper clutter in your desk/office area. Hmph! I don't have just one of those.

Paul told me to go ahead and take pictures of all my messes while I was at it, and maybe put them on my blog. Show the world how I really live. Well, okay. I will!

But brace yourself. Put on a dust mask or maybe strap on an oxygen tank. Some of these places where I hide clutter are simply breathtaking. And I don't mean that in a Grand Canyon/Niagara Falls/Great Barrier Reef kind of way.

In the coming post, you will see sights only reserved for people I love. Or whose love I'm really testing.

If you dare, come back later...

1 comment:

Business Pens said...

At first, I thought that you had decided to spell 'Crystal' 'Cristal' for some odd reason... and then I realized that it was the name of the pen! I think that I would be too bothered by the spelling to be able to enjoy the writing experience... I wonder why Bic decided to name the pen that.