After reading my answers and hers, please go a-visitin'. Might I inspire you to go pick two blogs in the HP and then leave some comment love?
1. . Share one way you think the world has changed for the better since you were a kid?
Affordable long distance telephone service for most folks.
I remember the days of my youth when making a call from Maryland to my grandparents in Kansas meant doing it Sunday evening after 7 pm. My mom had her list of topics jotted down in front of her to remember to talk about. Then she'd gather the whole brood around the phone (which was attached to the wall and had a rotary dial). She also sat facing the clock on the stove, seeing seven cents a minute rack up a huge bill with one of my grandmothers who had a habit of repeating herself--every third minute.
I smile as I write this. Oh, to hear my grandparents' voices again. That would be priceless.
2. How 'bout one way it's changed for the worse?
Terrorism on the rise. It's about to crescendo again, I think. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
3. Starlight, starfish, starling, Starbucks...your favorite 'star'?
Absolutely NOT Starbucks! I have been boycotting it since March 26th because of what their CEO said on March 26, 2013.
That said, my favorite star would be starlight. It boggles my mind to think how many stars there are that we CAN see in the sky, let alone all the bazillion jazillion that we CAN'T see. And yet, God has named each one of them. How much more does He care about me, a living human being that He created in his image, and care about the billions more people He created for His pleasure. Seeing starlight makes me feel loved by God!
When my youngest boy was about 3 years old, his favorite song was "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin. Joel couldn't pronounce many of his starting consonants.It was so stinking cute how passionately he'd sing out when he heard the chorus of "In-fry-bubble."
The real words go;
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
But my ALL TIME FAVORITE way of hearing it, which remains solid as concrete in my memory, is the way that t0e-headed three-year-old of mine sang it in the backseat of the van:
"In FRY bubble, 'un ten tain bubble,
You pwaced da 'taws in da 'ky and You know dem by name, you aw amaaaaazing, God..."
4. Name a song that's overplayed, but you love it anyway.
The first one I can think of is "Cinderella," by Steven Curtis Chapman. It's old and overplayed, but always reduces me to tears and causes me to stop and pray for the Chapman family when I hear it.
5. When did you last have home made ice cream? Your latest favorite flavor?
A very long time ago, as in probably 15 years when my husband was leading Pioneer Club for a while at church. At the conclusion of the year, we all gathered for a mini camping trip. One of the dads served homemade strawberry ice cream and I just absolutely loved it. I also loved those sticky-fingered little boys who didn't think it necessary to wash hands after handling worms, sticks, and tadpoles.
6. What do you think is the best way to inspire or motivate people?
By example. Enthusiasm is contagious, and a little "show and tell" goes a long way.
7. When was the last time you were without power?
During Superstorm Sandy. But only, thankfully, for about nine hours.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Please pray for the folks in Lindsborg, KS. The flooding has been so bad--three feet deep in many basements, folks displaced, much loss, kayaks in the street. My bloggy friend Laurie lives there. I'm sharing this photo of a street in her town.