Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hodgepodge and New Niece Photo

Thanks again to Joyce, From This Side of the Pond, for hosting this fun meme week after week. 

1. What's your worst food memory?  How about one of your best?

Worst: when I was pregnant with my first baby, my sister-in-law served an enormous pile (yes, pile) of steamed shrimp. I'm talking Load Up the Old Bay, Baby! I ate and ate and ate and ate. Then went home and threw up and up and up and up.  

Best food memory?  So many to choose from, but I think our last anniversary dinner had more "mm's" and "aahs" and "oh, wows!"  than most honeymoons. 

2. Do you appreciate people telling it like it is, or would you rather a speaker temper his/her words and maybe beat around the bush a little?  How about when you're the one communicating...which type are you? 

Depends if  I'm already sensitive about whatever it is.  I think I like a little bit of tempering the words, but not beating around the bush. I do like people to make their point fairly quickly but not harshly.   I think with family I tend to be more "tell it like it is" especially with a preponderance of males in the house; they are not very easily offended by truth .  With outsiders or with those who intimidate me, I tread lightly.  Unless I'm in a mood, that is.  I can be downright snarky sometimes--something I'm not proud of.  

3. What's your favorite place to hang out?

Home.   Specifically in  my guest/sewing room.

4. When do you most feel like you're a slave to time?

On a school morning--which will start on September 3rd.   Yuck.  I do not like the morning push to get up and out the door. Dealing with breakfast, packing lunches,  checking for permission slips signed, money due, backpack packed, musical instrument on music day, uniform for school and any after-school practice all stresses me out, even though my boy is really organized and responsible for his age.

5. What was the last concert you attended?  Who'd you go with? Was it any good?

JJ Heller. Went with hubby, daughter, son, BIL and SIL.  The first half was good. But honestly, I am finished by intermission with most concerts. All the songs sound the same after about the 6th one. 

6. Reality TV...harmful or harmless?  What's your guilty pleasure when it comes to reality TV?

Most of the shows, I'd say, have a mix or harmful and harmless.  I love Duck Dynasty--but I don't see anything harmful in it. 

7. What's something you think is overrated?

Chick Fil-A sandwiches.   They're good, but feel like an ostrich egg on my stomach.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Did you see my brand new niece? Check out my previous post for more baby loveness.  I'm beyond smitten .  Here she is her mommy's arms.  My sister said, "She is far too precious to be mine. This is more wonderful than I ever imagined it could be." 



April said...

Your niece is adorable, Zoanna...big congrats on the newest addition to your family! I love me some Duck Dynasty! Definitely one of my fav. TV shows!

Mandi Noel said...

I totally agree with you about Duck Dynasty! In my opinion, it's one of the best influences on television.

Your niece is absolutely precious!

Joyce said...

Nothing sweeter than a brand new baby girl : )

Unknown said...

I keep hearing about Duck Dynasty, but we don't have cable, so I have never seen an episode! I'll just keep waiting until it comes on Netflix, and then i'll be hooked and will be like "Oh my gosh, this is the best show ever" and everyone else will be all "Um, yeah, we already knew that, and that was SO yesterday's news" Harrumph... :-)

Unknown said...

oh, and congrats on the new baby... such sweet preciousness!

Marla said...

I agree wit everyone else on the adorable precious new baby! Just the best!

A Joyful Chaos said...

I agree with you about Chick Fil-A I wish I would like them but it's not happening.

Susan Kane said...

How I wish I could hold her!

Carrie B said...

LOL. You're answer to #1 (part 2) cracked me up! Ha ha

Sweet sweet baby. We've had two new ones born to the family in the last month, with 2 more expected in the next 2 months! It's raining babies around here! :)

Elizabeth said...

Seeing your lovely, new niece makes me wish my baby days were back. Life is good now too, I just miss having a little bundle of love to cuddle.