1. Besides U.S. Thanksgiving, it's also National Game and Puzzle Week...what game have you played most recently, and who were you with? Have you worked a puzzle of any kind in the past week?
Besides my daily Words with Friends and this new Trivia Crack game that my 12 year-old likes me to play, the last "real" ("live and in person") game I played was Sorry with my son about two weeks ago. (I whooped him, thankyouverymuch.)
When I watch a little guy on Friday nights--which is not every week--he loves to do puzzles. He's five years old and extremely bright. His spacial perception is amazing--and what's not to love about soft little fingers turning pieces around, and a voice asking, "Does this one go hee-uh? Noooo. I think it goes hee---uh. Yessss!!! I was wight!"
I hate doing puzzles with more than 100 pieces, FYI, unless it's a quilt with fabric blocks.
2. What is one place you were thankful for this year?
2. What is one place you were thankful for this year?
Kansas. In particular, my "oldest" friend's house. Barb fixed up the guest room just for me. This was her bedroom when we were kids, and I felt so relaxed as I steeped in nostalgia.
She hung up this little floral quilt that I had given her as a gift from Russia when I went there.
3. Take a nap, watch football, go for an after dinner walk, or hit the stores...whichONE is on your must-do list for Thanksgiving day? For those of you playing along who aren't in the US, answer as it relates to any big holiday meal.
Well, I WANT to nap, but we will be at my son's house this year, and we usually go straight from eating to playing games. I am so relieved and excited that my daughter-in-law wanted to host this year because, after at least 10 years straight of all that cleaning, cooking, hosting, cleaning-up after--I needed a break this year. We're taking a fried turkey that hubby insisted on trying --and we pick it up from Dickey's on the way to the feast !
4. Besides Thanksgiving, what's your favorite home cooked meal?
Any that I don't have to cook. (Can you tell I'm a bit burned out?)
5. What product from an infomercial would you most like to own?
5. What product from an infomercial would you most like to own?
A new knife set, although I have no clue what's "hot" right now in cutlery.
6. Christmas shopping? Have you begun? Finished? Will you shop on Black Friday? How do you feel about stores opening on Thanksgiving Day? What percentage of your Christmas shopping is done online?
6. Christmas shopping? Have you begun? Finished? Will you shop on Black Friday? How do you feel about stores opening on Thanksgiving Day? What percentage of your Christmas shopping is done online?
I have started but this weekend is when I'll be doing the bulk of it online. I absolutely will not shop in person on Black Friday! I hate that stores are open on Thanksgiving and that malls are forcing store owners to open on that day or risk paying fines. It's un-American!
7. What are you most grateful for that adds beauty to your everyday life?
7. What are you most grateful for that adds beauty to your everyday life?
Our home.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Please pray for the safe return of missing person Jessica Padgett. We know her sister personally and there are just no words to describe the desperation. I had a dream the night before last that Jessica was found safe and alive, and I felt the Lord gave me a name that relates to her whereabouts (starts with a P and ends with a D.) I am hopeful.