Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Please Pray for my Mom & Dad

My mom was getting out of the car last night at the mall with my dad when her legs and face went numb. She had only the strength to get to the restroom with my dad's help. Then they left and went home. There she consulted one of her nursing books and concluded that her symptoms were those of a mini-stroke.

She called her cardiologist who sent her immediately to the nearest hospital, which unfortunately is Upper Chesapeake. She did not want to go there. I can't blame her. They have a terrible reputation for ER service, but it is the closest to her (and to us and many of our friends). She was seen quickly but then not seen again for quite awhile.

There was apparently no lasting damage from this type of stroke. But it makes her more likely to have another, worse one. She is in the process of getting her meds straightened out.

All of this is compounded (or maybe brought on by?) the stress of their upcoming trip to Birobijhan (Eastern Russia) to minister to Jews and Messianics. They are supposed to leave May 15th.

I spoke with Daddy this afternoon. He said the doctors want to run one more test before releasing her this afternoon. I wonder if this is "real time" afternoon or "Upper Chesapeake" time? She didn't want visitors, just quietness.

Please pray for us all. I am a bit jittery, as you might understand. My dad is like a duck: appears to be gliding on the surface, but underneath he is paddling really hard emotionally. (He makes a better patient than nurse and vice versa, but God is sovereign.) Part of the "gliding" meant not telling us directly. I found out from my sister who found out from one of my mom's Hebrew students whom my dad had called this morning to say they needed to cancel class today. So I am having to calm myself down from the lapse in communication as well as the actual news. I don't handle it well lwhen people withhold facts from me. In my lifetime, more bad than good has resulted from it.

So this is certainly a multi-level prayer request, isn't it?


Bethany said...

awww she will be in our prayers.

Kitty Couture said...

Praying and hoping all will be for the best.

Anonymous said...

Praying for your mom and dad. I'm wondering how old they are.

I answered your tag on my blog. Thank you. Did anyone else? I had two answers but I didn't specify anyone.

Thanks again, Betty G

Anonymous said...

I certainly be praying for your whole family.

Zoanna said...

Thanks for praying, Betty. She's doing much better.

Thanks, too, for answering my tag. My friend Laurie also answered it and my daughter Sarah has it on hers. They're both in my sidebar.

Mama is 65, Daddy 72. They've been married 45 years. Never seen 2 people more in love. I've started teasing them about being joined at the replacement hip.