-good health
-24/7 access to medicine and medical care
-level ground
-the ability to pick things up off the floor w/o pain
-being able roll over in bed without pain
-the stamina to cook anything that requires more than cutting the top off a bag, boiling something, or sauteeing for more than 10 minutes.
-the ability to reach up over my head to get things out of cabinets without straining my abs
-the ability to haul laundry up and down flights of stairs
-the ability to haul my own self up and down a flight of stairs
-my husband's strength and fortitude
-so much more
And in this season of suffering, I have been grateful for many things. For one, the snow we have gotten here in Maryland over the past several weeks has provided both beauty and challenges. I am grateful that:
-I didn't have to drive in snow.
-All my family have gotten to and from home safely.
-Our power has not gone out.
-My sisters in Christ have brought a few meals to us, and more are coming. I so appreciate that, knowing that their lives are full and busy, too. I know it's a sacrifice of love to shop for, make, and take a meal to someone.
-Molly died 12 days before my hospitalization. That gave us time to grieve and start moving on.
(Still grieving, but not sobbing.) *These pictures were taken just a few hours before we had to put her down.
God did not allow us to suffer those two major whammies simultaneously. Molly always chose to lay beside whomever was sick or in pain rather instinctively. I think my level of pain would've made her suffering worse, so God was kind to His critter in that regard.
-flowers. Sarah brought me one bouquet of purple and white daisies, lime crazies (don't know what they're called), and white alstroemeria. Steve's girlfriend, Ambrey, brought me some magenta daisies a couple days later, and she arranged them all beautifully on the kitchen table.
I can't express what flowers do to my heart. I just can't. Some women want chocolate all the time. Me? I want flowers.
So much more I'm grateful for, but I'll close here. I have discovered something in my heart about ready to bloom in the near future. Seed thoughts for now, but I will post as it germinates. The thing I've been learning most is this :gratitude is a choice. If you look, you can always find reasons to be thankful.
Glad you came through your surgery and I will be praying for you!
A "Home Sanctuary" sister,
Anna Marie
Oh, you are right and we so often forget that there really is usually something that we can be thankful for. I do pray that you are finding restored strength and health with each new day.
Oh, your dog was just precious. It is really amazing how attached we can become to our 4 legged friends.
Blessings to you for good health!
Can't wait to hear what seeds are growing in your heart!
You're right gratitude is always a choice we make. I am working on being greatful today!
What a powerful example that you give of choosing gratitude. It is interesting to me that when I no longer have something, I am then grateful for it.
I do like/love chocolate, but I love flowers, too. Fresh flowers given by loving hearts. I love that. I resonate with you. I rejoice with you that those that love you know that about you and have brought you some flowers.
May God continue to use you as you comfort others with the comfort He gives you in the midst of your trial.
Have a joyful weekend.
Ah, I'm so sorry about your sweet dog (we call ours "the therapy dog") but glad with you about how the Lord arranged the timing. Hope your recovery is speedy, and I look forward to more posts!
Gratitude really is a choice, isn't it - choosing to look at the blessing rather than the challenges. ((hugs)) for the loss of your furry friend, who looks so very sweet.
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