Monday, May 02, 2011


So I wrote a post with details about this trip to Italy and it vanished. I rewrote it. Vanished. Found previous one but Blogger wouldn't let me publish or save. Ergh! It wouldn't let me save the title to draft, but rather went ahead and posted it. I feel silly.

So here's the short version. Paul and I will be married 25 years in December, and want to celebrate with a big trip. My heart's desire was France or Italy; his was a Caribbean cruise, France, or Italy. The more I gleaned from people who'd experienced it, either country would be a fine choice. However, the one with the "edge" in the 'competition" was Italy (friendlier, more relaxing) and I guess the clincher for me is the food. I love Italian food. And we would both love to see Rome.

December is not a great month for traveling (low temps, high stress) so we plan to go in mid-August when we have coverage for Joel. We decided to go now while we're still young enough to get around on our own legs with the (fairly) good knees that God gave us, not put it off till we have "everything just so" because that time never comes. We have no debt and Paul has a good bit of vacation time allotted to him. The new school that Joel will probably be attending is costing only 1/4 of the other alternatives, so that's not a sweaty deal to us.

It's a blessing to have the freedom to travel at this time in our lives, and we are jumping at the chance.

I'm so excited! This will be an answer to many years of prayer for a trip overseas to put the Rome in Romance for our marriage! Not that it takes a trip to do that, but it sure doesn't hurt!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am so excited for you. I mentioned my trip earlier to you. We will be in Paris for our anniversary in June. I'm not sure how much I can do with COPD and being 59 but I'm up for the challenge.
I have had some issues with blogger also.
"Buon divertimento"

Zoanna said...

That sounds wonderful,
Debby! Both trips in one!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Zoanna, we did it! Congratulations! I have an award for you!!

Danielle said...

You might want to talk to Rebecca Stryker for imput, as they've traveled extensively in Italy while they've been living in England. No doubt she can tell you great places to go and would have some pointers for you!

Laurie said...

Blog posting problems... Ergh! Yep!

Italy sounds great! Go forth and enjoy while all your ducks are (mostly/good enough) in a row!

Kelly C said...

How exciting for you both! Can't wait to hear all about it.