A couple weeks ago I got a kick out of watching my hubby trim trees. Not that such a thing is normally entertaining, but just seeing how our dog, Reilly, took advantage of every sit-down break The Man took, cracked me up. To know the dog means to be acquainted with OCD, Tennis Ball Version. I perched inconspicuously from inside an open window above, shooting and grinning. The dog: perpetual optimist, ever hopeful that someone wants to throw the ball as often as he wants to retrieve it. No matter they got work to do. Could anything be more important than playing?
To the dog's great joy, The Man did throw a ball when he was sitting down. The rest of the time he carried that big stick around and reached up into trees. Are there tennis balls up there? Is that what he's looking for? How about that long stick that he uses to scrape at the leaves. He is trying to find tennis balls, right?
Very cute. How's Reilly doing with the "toilet" issue?
Reilly What an attentive and hopeful dog! That is a serious tree-trimmer- man and stick!
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