Thursday, December 01, 2011

Hard Times are Coming

I am not typically a doom-and-gloomer, nor am I a Pollyanna type. I think I'm somewhere in the middle, with a decided lean toward the brighter outlook of the future. I might be like that because I grew up around people who thought the world was going to end in their lifetime. The things they said scared me at first, and because those things didn't happen, I started to not believe that Jesus would return in even 500 years.

Most of the time I try to avoid people who drag me down with endless jibber-jabber about the failing economy, nuclear armaments, crumbling families, mindless and ignorant self-absorption in leisurely pursuits, religious persecution of Christians, and the like.

But I am changing. I think I am not as naive as I once was. Not as willing to say "everything's gonna be all right" as I used to be.

Don't get me wrong. Ultimately everything for all believers in Christ, is gonna be all right when all is said and done. But there will be much said and much done before that time comes. Prophecies will all be fulfilled, and all of God's promises to deliver His people. I am not convinced that God's plan is to to keep us from suffering because we are believers. No, there has never been biblical or empirical evidence to show that Christians are exempt. The opposite, in fact, is true, according to scripture.

'In this world you WILL have trouble, " Jesus said, "but I give you my peace, that where I am, there you may also be."

I am wondering how to prepare for the second coming of Christ. I think it's not far off but I have not been living with any sense of urgency lately. God is trying to get my attention. Things will not always be comfy and cozy for me like they are now, physically. Our country is led by a president who seems to be anti-American. Several times I've asked God why He let Obama get into office. I don't trust the man to lead us. I fear writing this, a fear of Big Brother taking our freedom of speech in the very near future if that speech is anti-government. Well, I am not anti-government, I am anti-socialist and anti-big government of any kind. Any entity where the power is in the hands of a few is a dangerous entity.

One needn't look too long at the news to see the anti-capitalist agenda out there.

For now I will say no more. I'm not a political blogger and, in all honesty, tire quickly of politics. I love my country, but am not enamored of lengthy conversations about our flawed system and its leaders. But I do know I need to become better informed, better prepared, and most importantly, better at interceding for the nation, the world, the Church (ie the global church), my family, and all the lost souls who have no clue that Christ, indeed , is coming back.

Father, renew my love for you and the passion to tell others that You love them, you want to forgive them, you want to have a relationship with them here and now and for all eternity. Most of all, help me remember You are coming back. You are!


Kelly C said...

I feel exactly the way you do about politics. I bury my head in the sand too much, but I do believe we need to intercede. Thanks for the reminder.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

We definitely should feel the urgency of the hour as it relates to our telling others about Jesus.I do not dwell on it, but I do think the end is not near as far away as it once was and we must be about our Father's business at this time.